
Nobody cares about anyone’s opinion, but doesn’t stop anyone from sharing. You obviously felt compelled.

I will be honest.  The NBA and now the WNBA after their t-shirt statement are over for me.  I probably won’t come back.  Baseball has done a good job, though there are outliers.  The NFL is on notice.  I just am getting tired of people supporting BLM, a terrible organization and protesting over some “subjective” view

I think it is terribly sad that Tlaib and the Squad are being elected to such significant roles in our nations government. Their ideas are dangerous and extreme. I hope that soon conservatives wake up, but it may be too late for our country now.

I think the term “white” betrays us, and even the racial grouping “Caucasian” may be limited. But, if we are saying that lighter skinned, non-arab/negroid/mongoloid looking peoples with light eyes, hair and skin existed during biblical times, I think we would say yes.

There is plenty of proof that Jesus was an historical person.  No true scholar argues against that.  That he was the Son of God is the Biblical claim and there is plenty of proof to that within the Biblical text, but faith plays a role in salvation, sure.

I would simply ask you stop talking.  What you are saying is nonsense.  We can look across the nation and see the wreck Democrats have turned it into it.  Trump 2020.

Generally speaking, white women are the most malleable block in politics. Take a single white woman and she is distinctly liberal with grand plans and ideas to save the world. Give her a husband and she becomes slightly more fiscally conservative. Add in children, her concerns change again to ensure educational and

I find it hilarious and the point well made.

I’ll be honest, I would be very leery myself. My age bracket is nearly unaffected with only 17 people world wide dying from Covid w/ nothing else contributing. Do I really want to try something when my own body can more than likely fight it off and be asymptomatic or only get mild symptoms?

It seems like a “thank you” to white people is enough and then you can figure out your own “fixes” to accommodate your differences, instead of trying to beat them up over something that to them made perfect sense.

I never said “black people have it coming.”  Nobody should be treated unfairly during an encounter with police.  People should be treated with dignity and officers with respect.  

I think mankind is in some ways like a pride of lions.  In a pride of lions we discover that the women are typically the hunters, child care providers and do much of the heavy lifting within the pride...but they still feed and pleasure their men b/c sometimes some shit needs to get defended and interlopers f&#@ed up,

I’ll be honest, we all learned in 2016 not to believe CNN, it’s 2020 and I sure am not going to believe Vanity Fair.

Latinos typically vote conservative b/c their not culturally trapped on the Democratic plantation and understand the value of immigration policy, the horror of abortion, the value of economic freedom and the importance of the nuclear family and education. This lets them see more clearly which party actually opens the

I think the first time I heard of John Lewis he was being confused with Elijah Cummings and now I simply can’t ever remember which one of them ruined Baltimore.  

My only dream is that when the Finals end, ESPN captures LeBron James’ face when Kawhi Leonard holds up the trophy and says “Free Hong Kong” into the microphone. That’s how the best player in the world handles that stuff!

America are not a people if not unified.  We can have disagreements and history, but what binds us is the ideal.  Standing in support of that seems like the exact thing we should do.  

I think the key is recognizing them.  They’re still people, just means to be in a relationship with them, you both have to name it and claim it before you continue.

I doubt it. Who wants to wear a mask? The science is pretty reliable, they work but don’t. Could be that like Ghomert, the mask would be the carrier of the germs that get you.

I am unsure why they would change the horse’s gender?