
I think we all agree Black lives matter. I think the disconnect is over BLM which is an extreme organization with significant platforms we should all agree are negative.

I don’t know, we all have principles. Not sure they have ever been so divergent b/n D and R, but they are.

I disagree. Nobody wants to control women. Ultimately, sex education is about morality. Morality is the north star related to sexual health and relationships. You could certainly use words like accountability and responsibility but control seems like a red herring.

I think on one hand, it is very important that SC Justices can serve extended periods of time to perform this significant governmental role unfettered by changes in times, politics and leaders.  On the other, much like the President or members of Congress, they are our government and perform a significant role.  They

I am not sure what he thinks is a ‘white issue.’ I think the majority of white people would say the events surrounding the death of George Floyd and Jacob Blake were wrong. I think we all want and expect criminals and law enforcement to be held accountable by the justice system.

Racism is a heart issue.  It is destructive and harmful.  But, it is strange that so many are disliked simply for the blackness of their skin.  I mean it can be found everywhere.  Asians disliking Blacks, Hispanics disliking Blacks, Indians disliking Blacks and then whites disliking Blacks.  The odd thing is that

Let us never forget, we have the right to peaceably assemble. After 94 days of looting, violence and destruction with no plan by State officials to intervene on behalf of its people, the people will always take matters into their own hands to protect lives, businesses and property.  This could have easily been

I appreciate the causes associated with social justice and health. It is a nice thing for our sports leagues, teams and players to acknowledge the struggles of this world. But, I am exhausted with it. Whether it’s players wearing pink, kneeling, boycotting, marking up shoes or wearing special jerseys...I think we all

This is so disingenuous.  We are 90+ days into protesting, looting and violence.  Democrat governors have done nothing.  Peaceful protestors who should have gone home long ago have been infiltrated by BLM agitators, paid Leftist extremists and criminals.  Any civilian actions to protect stores, people or property in

What is interesting about sports is how it reflects much of society. Baseball is the most democratic sport, pulling athletes and competitors from all races, creeds and backgrounds. The NFL is the most socialist, pooling money at the top and distributing it out based on a perceived “need” for the greater good. Hockey

We can tell who didn’t watch the RNC.  The RNC was full of hope, diversity, real stories from real people, lists of significant accomplishments, humor and vision for what is to come.  Dems are projecting when they say all they heard was “fear” or racism or lack of a plan.  That was their convention.

I think what we learned by watching the DNC and RNC conventions is that we all have hardships in our lives.  If you allow yourself to be defined by those hardships as victims, you are Democrats.  If you do not allow yourself to be defined as a victim, but rather victorious, then you are a Republican.  It’s a mentality.

I am just so thankful our daughters have such wonderful conservative women role models. Ivanka is just one in that number. She was amazing last night and her speech can be used to help young girls develop their own speaking styles. Beyond Ivanka there are also commentators Lisa Boothe, Katie Pavlich, news anchors

This is deplorable.  Leftist behavior is sick.  I tell my kids all the time, after showing them articles like this, if you become a Democrat that means you have chosen to become a racist, violent, intolerant and evil person with no desire for freedom and an enslaved spirit.  If that’s how you want to live, it

I can appreciate how she feels.

Yes, this is America! How awesome to be so close to something with such history. Sounds like a great visit.

Just a note on Pittsburgh, it must be terrible to walk around that city and just see Black and Gold. I mean the Steelers, Pirates and Penguins...ughhh. I would be so overwhelmed.

Their children must be gorgeous.

I laugh every time I hear people say Harris will eat up Pence on a debate stage.  Does nobody know who Pence is?  He’s a longtime conservative politician who firmly believes in the Republican platform.  He can stand on years of achievement and is one of the most respected if not agreed with leaders in our government. 

I think the debates are both traditional and significant. We the People can’t forget that the debates aren’t generally about having minds “changed” but like an interview. Two people are interviewing for a leadership position in our government and we get to see them side by side and have them pressed on issues on the