
I think that is what gets me with this. Before all this happened, I don’t think Turner was necessarily a “bad” guy. But, him, his family, and friend’s doubling down what he not being that big of a deal and him not doing anything that wrong is what makes them “bad”.Part of being a good person is admitting when you’ve

Well, we know what happened, thankfully, because there are two independent witnesses and a ton of forensics. What happened BEFORE he raped her is immaterial. It is not possible for an unconscious person to give consent to sex. That’s it. The end. He was convicted on three counts of raping her because he raped her. I’m

go read the letter the victim wrote. she had severe vaginal trauma and swelling. she had bruising and injuries that would absolutely indicate this was not consensual. the entire recount of the situation that she reads (which i believe fully, because i believe women, and what’s the point in lying about any of this? why

And wasn’t he stopped by random passersby? So it’s not even like she woke up the next day like “whoa what happened? did I have sex? I don’t remember wanting sex.” No, random people saw him with her unconscious body and stopped things from going further. That’s not being PC. That’s stopping a sexual assault and hooray

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.

[Redacted. Too bitter]

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

“Rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”

Not a bro. Also I didn’t say they didn’t matter. I’m saying a bigger deal is being made out of it by the supporters when in all actuality those votes would have netted him maybe 8 more delegates if they ALL WENT TO BERNIE. Also none of this has been verified as of yet. Some of those who said they weren’t allowed to

There’s nothing that annoys me more than people who ignore potential election irregularities because they think it’s just the “whining” of their political rivals. You need to attention to this stuff no matter who it effects.

Let’s be honest here. The goal of BernieOrBust is not to rally support to vote for some other candidate. It essentially functions as a message to show the DNC that they’ve lost nearly an entire generation of voters that no longer feel they are being represented. If Clinton and other DNC candidates at lower levels

My concern is the idea spreading. I mean, if they could rally enough numbers to make Jill Stein (or whoever) a viable candidate, then sure, but that is magical unicorn thinking.

I’m for closed primaries, and caucuses look like calvinball to me.

My mother is a New York resident who has long been a registered Democrat. She went to the polls on Tuesday to vote, and her party had been switched—without her knowledge or consent—to the Republican party. Thus, she could not vote for her candidate of choice. My mother is not one to invest in conspiracies, nor does

I maintain that he was baited into it by Renner. I don’t think he ever would have said it if Renner hadn’t gone there first. At least Evans manned up and apologized. Renner’s basic reaction was to shrug and say he didn’t care if people were upset. He seems like such a tool.

As a multi culural guy my white mom never fought my battles for me, instead she did everything she could to make me try to understand the idiot people saying that crap, not their ideas, but why they had them. She only stepped into the major stuff, like when my school turned a blind eye to how badly I was getting

And as a mixed raced child who had a white mother who took every single racial and sexist battle - and won them, I’ll say: the exhaustion is worth it.

Right? Nine months of rape vs. forced pregnancy with your abuser’s child is the worst Would-You-Rather ever.

There’s 1000 things wrong with this, not the least of which is:

I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.