I’ve bleeped out everything you just said for my own sanity.
I don’t know, this just seems a bit unnecessary. I was expecting to read about some terrible thing Reynolds did or said in the past to justify it to no avail. At the end of the day, he’s a nice guy and he’s legitimately talented so who cares? In today’s world, when celebrities are constantly letting us down with the…
I’ve never had a child, much less had to express milk, but my boobs are aching just thinking about how swollen that poor woman must have been.
My favorite way to deal with people like this is to look them right in the eyes (pityingly) and say, “I’ll pray for you.”
Well they DO say having kids changes you....
You are talking about two very different Sky Daddies. Old Testament daddy is pig-headed, narcissistic and very self-conscious. New Testament daddy went to therapy to learn how to process his feelings of inadequacy so now he’s much nicer.
I’m glad you’re listening and thinking, but you are not comprehending the quote. It does not come to the foregone conclusion that men will kill women; it states very clearly of one thing - fear.
Listen, by your stats, you’re hitting on hundreds of women a year. You obviously are neither picky nor that invested if you’re sexually propositioning multiple women a day, so maybe that’s why rejection doesn’t have the same sting to you (based on your repeated 30k rejections in a lifetime that every man ever always…
Because they’d rather have a male Democrat president than a female Democratic president. That’s it.
They’re not actual progressives. They’re treating politics like a sports game. They’ve picked their team, and they don’t particularly give a shit who’s doing a better job and what’s fair as much as they just want a win for their team.
Cats don’t need jobs, they have human slaves. That’s the best part about being a cat.
This just seems like the ultimate in white girl problems. Like you’re so normal, you have to find something to be different. Everyone else gets to be all black or disabled or gay or whatever and here she is, being all normal. Gotta make up something to prove that you have it tough too! Look how outsider she is! So…
I wish I was born a cat in a human body
but does she like stand on the toilet seat and then squat like a cat would?
That’s called “being intelligent”.
10 in cat years or human years, bc thats really old for a cat.
Her owners should do the responsible thing and spay her.
This girl is going to be mortified in 10 years.