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In my early 20s, I started to delve harder into watching recordings of ballet and listening to the music of them beyond the really familiar ones: Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker, Swan Lake, etc. My favorite non-Tchaikovsky ballet score is Delibes’s Sylvia, and I swear when I heard the Pizzicato from Act 3 for the first

Actually, it was originally written and performed with lyrics. The instrumental versions are just far more popular now.

I had a problem with how many songs with lyrics that say the title in them were on the list, and I wonder if people seriously have just heard the opening bars. Growing up in the ‘90s also throws me off when I see “Jump Around” and “Bittersweet Symphony” on the list.

Though, since other people are mentioning it, “Sing,

Oh, and lolitas like 80% of the time buy their stuff. It’s more fashion than anything and, like many other fashions, there’s a lot of status in owning name brand items.

I’m into lolita fashion and used to run with the NYC community when I lived up there. Even in that community, it’s made a point to not go too over the top at the Met with the petticoats when we do meet ups and girls are also warned about the backpack rule they have (you have to wear it in front while in the museum or

Invited by the guide of a tour that is not affiliated with the Met. If the tour group organizer failed to communicate with the Met about the costume then it is still the tour guide’s error and not the Met’s, which seems to be the case in other discussions of this story.

I would agree with the right for others to celebrate if that’s how they feel, if this case didn’t also have someone making money off of what’s essentially someone else’s trauma.

Uggs as a company isn’t the problem in fashion. It’s that their most iconic and best selling items are dumpy, overpriced house slippers that look like dumpy, overpriced slippers and are worn are regular shoes. Fashionable shoes are more molded to a certain form, and the typical Uggs aren’t. People wear them because

Black panelists and comedians who are acquainted with him have been furious and it’s not hard to find. Wayne Brady called him out a couple of years ago and retweeted a flashback post of his interview about it with the comment, “I tried to tell people...”

Dogs are clearly bodhisattva, who’ve vowed to delay full ascension so that they may help all other beings find true enlightenment. They don’t need to reincarnate, but they choose it for the sake of our idiotic asses.

Yeah, I have pretty resiliant combo skin so I can use it sparingly on my face, but I’ll admit that I want to switch to the rice scrub and mask they have when I’m done. It’s definitely the harder of the three organic options I was recommended to use. The good thing with the sugar mask is that it’s super moisturizing,

Rather than micro-beads OR walnut shells, there are other exfoliants out there that are less harmful for both your skin and the environment. A facial brush allows you to use any facial cleanser you want, for example, while being gentle enough to exfoliate multiple times a week. Plus, you don’t need to replenish it as

They’re two different dresses. The first is embossed leather and the braided epaulets sewn into the dress. The second dress is a perferated leather with armor pauldrons,likely pinned into the shoulders. If it were the same dress, the braid would show from under the armor. The neck is also slightly different, since you

Nice. These are two different dresses, and the second for her coronation is almost certainly made from the same bolt as Tywin’s gambeson there.

It’s for mourning all the people she killed for the first dress. I don’t think she was completely aware that her son would kill himself there.

I didn’t say that the teacher did? Just what it was on my part and that the teach should have done more or made it more clear that something was being done if it actually was.

As the little girl who was constantly getting pushed in pre-school, I agree. I cried about it at home, and not even so much because I was getting pushed, but because the teacher ignored it or told me it was just him flirting ‘cause I was pretty. (The boy made it clear it was because I was a girl, and girls don’t get

Because China.

The additions of QIA are pretty important, actually. Q covers both queer and questioning, and it’s vital for those who aren’t firm on where their sexuality lays on the sexuality spectrum, as well as those who don’t land firmly on the gender spectrum. Intersex and asexual people have also largely been ignored by

I we, passing the Girl Scouts in my office building with very empty pockets and a cookie-barren belly. If anything, the lack of samoas has made me aggressively gayer. It's got my boyfriend a bit perplexed.