
Sarah, considering the stories we hear about your family and their run ins with the police, I’d say some of these problems are caused by your parenting skills.

Didn’t her son, like, not even see combat while he was there? And isn’t this the son that was basically forced to join the army to avoid jailtime because he’s always been a raging shithawk?

We absolutely need to have better systems in place to support vets who come back from the war carrying the enormous mental, emotional, and physical scars of combat.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

I kinda agree with Trump on this one. When was the last time you heard Bill Clinton talk about his daughter being so good looking that he would date her if he had the chance? Sounds like sexism to me smh.

We will. Don’t worry about our poor as shit state. The coal companies will ensure we destroy ourselves regardless of which party is in power. Appreciating your compassion for a state that is literally being held hostage by special interests.

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.

Wait, we’re allowed to opt out of it? Finally. So long jerkbags!

I didn’t think having a lady-lead would make that much of a difference to me (I didn’t think I’d feel so included) but it legitimately did in the best way possible.

Genetically Enhanced Nazi Islamic Extremist?

Pictured: Their preferred method of attack.

Here’s the thing.

Um, did no one see the Aladdin documentary? They created a super solider called “G.E.N.I.E” which could do anything. As an American, it is our duty to bomb the shit out of them to make sure they don’t have a chance to use it before we do on us. I’m pushing back on this one.

That’s more the “women being expected to do all the emotional work” side of patriarchy, but it’s still there. You see it in swinging with the bias against bisexual men

I think you’re conflating kink with sexuality, which I understand is something that people in the BDSM community (and others) have argued. While I understand that argument, I have to respectfully disagree that one’s kink is at the same level as one’s sexuality. I believe that to be into BDSM is distinct from being gay.

Absolutely. It’s a fascinating question.

I don’t get that line of reasoning. They think women are treated terribly in middle eastern countries, so they want to make sure those wives and daughters have to stay there instead of being able to come here.