
I find it quite fishy that a suicide bomber was carrying around his passport containing his real identity, and that said passport was left unharmed and legible after being on his person when he detonated the bomb. I can’t be the only one questioning that, right?

“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”

You were always cute Kat you just needed the Internet to tell you. Soon we may decide you are smart, well dressed or great at baseball. What’s that Kat? You don’t play baseball? That’s not what the Internet said.

queer or questioning, depending on who you ask

As a bisexual cis woman, I do often feel erased from LGBT discussions but it rather pales in comparison to the issues trans men and women face.

It is true, there are a large amount of negative attitudes towards bisexual women in the lesbian community. The traditional “she’s just in university”, “she’s just doing it to impress her boyfriend”, and “she’ll date women until she wants a baby” also come to mind.

I know, right? The inclusivity of our movement for equal rights. Ugh.

Really? Women identifying as lesbian is “out of control” to you and your friends? We should just subsume our identities under a word that’s often associated with men, instead of with us and our history, to save a syllable? That’s really harsh. “L” wasn’t added “like every year”. The term lesbian has been around for

Yup - sadly, that attitude is around (hopefully it’s slowly dying?) and is also ironically rooted in homophobia because it is 1. assuming bisexuals are fickle, promiscuous, and do not know what they want 2. misdefining bisexuality (will end up with a man, not really into women, etc.).

“Lesbians can be very hostile towards bi women (obviously not all lesbians! Lots of them are lovely and supportive!), their main problem seeming to be that bi women ‘always end up with men’”

Now that the marriage battle is pretty much over, a lot more attention is going towards trans issues and causes as the next big hurdle. This angers some gays because god forbid their needs not be the ficus of all activism. Some day the LGB and T might separate because they are two different (if interconnected) things,

The issues that LG have with BT are bullshit. Can’t speak for trans people (though the above speaks for itself) but lesbians can be very hostile towards bi women (obviously not all lesbians! Lots of them are lovely and supportive!), their main problem seeming to be that bi women ‘always end up with men’. It might be

In which some LGB folks prove that, were they not queer, they would hate on LGB people.

There certainly are ways in which the goals of feminists/LGB people and T people are opposed or conflicting to some degree, but that isn’t a cause for severance. It’s a call for education and understanding on all sides.

From Practical Magic -

So every trans, and nonbinary person who stood up during the stonewall riots (and marked the first serious public discussion of change in the US) doesn’t matter? Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson didn’t help spark a movement for this bullshit. This is literally the attitude hinted at in the movie Stonewall come to

Stop hatin on T

This guy is a jerk. There are very legitimate reasons for disliking Caitlyn Jenner and feeling she is unworthy of being honored, but Smith failed to list any of those reasons.

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It’s not even a new song, it’s one of the show’s OPs...