To quote GhostOfCourtneyStoddensBoobs...
From the description of the actual situation, there was an unbearable actual pressure from her actual parents.
Seriously? I am going to make a big assumption, but anyone who knows a hitman probably doesn’t come from a very good upbringing either. And I’ve said it before upthread: abuse does not end at adulthood. Filial piety is a very important thing in Asian culture. If you haven’t lived it, you have no right to tell her to…
I’m guessing there are some larger cultural contexts around this question.
This seems like a really weird thing to say. This isn’t an example of a stereotype. This is an example of the actual behavior the stereotype is meant to describe. It’s not the stereotype that was harmful here, it was the actual behavior.
While she was obviously under a lot of stress, she had her own issues too. Those were some pretty elaborate lies that she concocted.
I’m so sick of anger, hatred, bigotry, entitlement being called “mental illness!” It’s insulting as shit to people who have genuine mental illnesses and the people who are killed by these assholes!
And for the love of god, did he have marijuana in his system? Because that is another completely relevant factor in situations like this.
To quote Deray McKesson: watch whiteness work.
There’s a bigger issue, here, though even - if she did commit suicide. If she was illegally detained, then there may still be an argument that the police department is at fault. I think the legal analysis would come down to causation, and if the act of being illegally detained caused her suicide, the family may still…
My only question for Uber is can I request a driver who doesn't give off creepy murder vibes. Or do I have to pay a premium for a non rapey driver?
Asian women have always been WoC, as they are non-white and still experience racism. You can be part of an oppressed group and have some degree of privilege over other oppressed groups (see: white women; white gay men), that’s what intersectionality means.
Except it’s not unobtainable? It’s a reality for many WoC. The same WoC who get shut out of representation. If you watched Anaconda and genuinely got “this is for men” I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know how much clearer she could have been than literally slapping Drake’s hand away from her ass. The video is…
We used to, apparently today they only get training on how make sure they end up dead. In the late 80’s when I went to the Academy a 4 point tie was SEVERELY frown upon and only to be used to prevent the suspect from injuring themselves. Regulations required an officer stand over the suspect and check their ability to…
i find male tears too salty for my taste
Fetal body parts marinated in male tears. Delish.
Irrational Man could literally be the title of any Woody Allen movie.