
If Fox News did a segment on the “myth” of wage inequality where all of the anchors got together and had to lay their paychecks side by side to openly see who makes what, and then watch the ones who make more try to justify their higher wage to the lower paid anchors, I would watch the shit outta that train wreck.

She ain’t lost, she’s getting fucking paid to be an obnoxious POC GOP Media rep. I’m betting a 5-10 million annual stipend from the Koch/Fox war chest.

So fucking sick of “BUT DA LAW!!!!!” You know that law doesn’t mean if you think you’re getting unequal pay, you can call the cops and they show up and say “Give her equal pay or we’ll arrest you,” right? It means if you think you’re getting unequal pay you can take your employer to court, except you probably can’t, be

Stacey Dash should know that life is unfair. Instead of becoming a notable, respectable actress, she became a Fox News contributer who most likely doesn’t make as much money as their male contributers OR their white female contributers (because we know when it comes to the wage gap, white women on average make more

Okay, and? Context, dude. Not everyone went to schools with clear demarcations of social groups, is the point. Not all drama kids are nerdy, but I went to a school where they were. I also went to a school where the athletes also were cosplayers. That’s the point. Inside scoop is only relevant if you are talking about

Fair point lol. I mean, I got called all kinds of names for studying Latin (for fun, mind you) and reading too much in middle school, but I also had a smart mouth and a mean right hook and people learned very quickly not to fuck with me for fear of their health. I’m still a nerd, though. I don’t get bitter about

You win the nerd crown for giving any fucks about someone else's "nerd cred." Christ, who cares?

Vin Diesel probably wasn’t given any power wedgies from the high school football team, either, but that man loves the fuck out of Dungeons & Dragons and the history of the Punic Wars. Being awkward and ugly are not actually requirements for having nerdy interests.

So I understand this is a post about celebrities “outing” themselves as nerds, but I still can’t believe you missed the most obvious one of all.

You kinda sound like a bitter AV kid, tbh. Being bullied doesn’t qualify you for nerdom. Any sort of othered person can be bullied. There are more than one type of nerd and context is everything. Not everyone looks or acts like they belong on the Big Bang Theory.

Um, are you fucking kidding? Did your school not have a drama club? The dorkiest, most-mocked club of all!? Even the band kids were less nerdy than we were. Movie stars are just the grown-up version of drama kids. Being attractive changes nothing fundamental about them.

Neither was I, but in order to celebrate National Grilled Cheese Day + Game of Thrones season 5 premiere, I created a grilled cheese flight themed after the Stark children. There’s more than one way to earn nerd cred. ;)

“We know Rose to be an intelligent and thoughtful child, and believe she would be well-suited to enroll in an academic setting more geared to homebound students, perhaps an online program as we have discussed in the past.”

I’m going to pretend this is about spiders. Like he tried to kill a spider but just couldn’t. And then a bunch of sparrows, deer, and a few rabbits magically appeared and start to frolic around Mr. Hardy, as he gently picks up said spider and releases him into the wild, where it belongs. End scene.

Just give me the baby and the Steve Buschemi dog and we will all go live happily ever after far the fuck away from these garbage people.

I mean.

“Any police officer especially would have reacted in the exact same way I reacted”

To recap: this is how white people depicted big lips before Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie:

Pretty much par for the course.