
At work a few years ago, I went out to the parking lot on a windy day with one of the young guys to bring in a big portfolio from the trunk of my car. While I was leaning into the trunk and he was about 8 feet behind me, a gust of wind blew my skirt up over my head. Panty hose, no underpants. I could not fight the

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! This is hilarious. And also true, the Friday puzzles are a pain in the ass too but I still can manage a few answers. I think I’ve maybe gotten one or two right answers on a Sunday puzzle in my entire life. Then again, I pretend they don’t exist because they threaten my intellectual prowess. Yet I still

I’ve been doing them every day for a decade. I love the Sunday ones though. Not a brag but I mean literally every day for a decade. It’s easy to recognize patterns in the clues/answers after that long. I also find themed puzzles easier. Friday kicks my ass though.

Much like South Park, Schumer fearlessly tackles taboo subjects like incest and bodily excretions, except she’s a person, not a cartoon.

They are amazing when mixed with cod.

i was in a fight with a fundamentalist and finally yelled “I’D RATHER CHILL WITH GANDHI IN HELL THAN THE LIKES OF YOU IN HEAVEN!!!”

i just hate all the “leaders” of atheism so fucking much. smug misogynist assholes.

Now playing

For some reason, I’m in the grays again, but I must post this. Perhaps it will get me un-grayed? OH DAYUMMMM.

Its very telling that people seem to lack sympathy here. These suits were brought by primarily older BLACK women who traditionally used the products for hygiene and were not warned about the side effects. There are both generational and cultural differences here, but I guess the white jezzies can't wrap their minds

It is seriously ridiculous to see how these conservative men are freaking out. Like news flash, women have pretty much always been in danger of sexual predators and allowing transgender people to use the bathroom they want doesn’t change that risk. It’s like they didn’t realize that we are pretty much on alert for

Being around pot heads whose entire lives revolved around smoking pot did it. Now it’s the same as having a beer but back then the pot culture was a bunch of people sitting around and talking about pot for hours on end because it made them feel like they were part of the cool kids. What they were was tedious.

Also, growing up and getting a “real job” with pre employment drug screens. It’s harder to quit/leave/turn down those jobs in your 30s and 40s if you have kids, mortgage, car payment etc to worry about.

That’s because Gen X’s gateway drug was cutting sarcasm and caffeine, before we moved onto bitter irony and heroin. Jesus. Kids today.