
Does anyone know if this magical d-mannose works for recurring BV? I took an antibiotic after a root canal (the medicine was preventative, which pisses me off to no end), and have been battling BV since January. Had a reaction to one of the BV antibiotics, and the replacement wasn't effective, so I've been doing pH

I do the puzzle while I watch CBS Sunday Morning because apparently I am 85 years old.

Sundays are a cake walk compared to the rat bastard that is Friday. No theme and long-ass answers? Fuck you for ruining the best day of the work week, Shortz.

My grandma used to do this with leftover mashed potatoes, though in patties. Mix the potatoes with seasoning and an egg or two, form into patties, and fry in a pan. Delicioso! Someone upthread mentioned cod croquettes, which are a Portuguese staple and delicious. (bolinhos de bacalhau)

Yep. I'm Mediterranean and started powdering my undies shortly after puberty because my skin is like an oil well, and not keeping it dry = plugged sweat glands galore. I actually have to use a strong cleanser (phenol-based, but not as much as Lysol) now in my groin because I have hidradenitis supprativa. Some

Another old here who grew up in that era and had the name March Fong Eu bring back a bunch of memories!

Because those of us Gen Xers with parents who smoked a lot of dope see the effects. My parents are in their early 70s, but they can’t remember a fucking thing. My grandparents (their parents, obviously) weren’t this mixed up at the same age - even my alcoholic grandfather who was in the early stages of dementia.