
Any extra time or energy I have goes into making my wife as happy as I can. Just the thought of an additional relationship makes me want to curl up and go to sleep.

Polyamory sounds exhausting to me. Being a complete introvert, just thinking about juggling multiple people in my life like that makes me all kinds of tired. If my marriage ever goes south, I’ll just stick to internet porn. Or maybe a sex robot if they ever get those going before I’m too old to give a damn.

I think that reducing monogamy to jealousy is pretty superficial.

I think there’s a sense of awareness that he’s privileged (esp because he just takes off to Italy to learn to make pasta?), but you’re right, it’s a weird blind spot. Season 2 is straight up lavish, which is fine because it fits better and I’m into seeing a brown dude live a decadent indie life on TV, but it feels

I know its been asked before, but it bears repeating: In a city where you can’t drop an anvil out of a window without hitting a PR flack, how in the name of almighty fuck does Jay Horowitz still have a job?

I would have thought Debbie had been around long enough to roll with it. I’m pretty sure they get a heads up on who is coming in as well, which makes this feel exploitative rather than representative. It’s not a good turn but that’s TLC for you.

I’ve always liked it because it’s a surprisingly progressive show. There are brides of all shapes and sizes on that show, and the consultant ALWAYS says that they are going to make that bride look beautiful. It’s really nice to see that on the TV.

Well it’s clearly not ‘say yes to the bra.’

Whenever I go to my parents house for a weekend, I end up binge watching this on TLC. I’ll be there alone in the rain tomorrow and Debbie is my favorite consultants, her face in that clip was priceless. Bring on the awkwardness and Randy!

For the same reason Lavar said he could beat MJ 1-on-1...it’s kept their name in the news, hasn’t it?

A “pucker” of assholes?

Too late, the noxious meme has been pumped into the dead-ender closed-loop ecosystem, where it will linger until the heat death of the universe. It is now beyond our reach, and it’s our job to recognize that arguing with your uncle or your redneck high school classmate about it on Facebook is wasted time in its purest

Injuries happen, hitters go cold, and teams struggle. It happens. But only the Mets can fuck shit up this brilliantly. Star slugger with a history of gimpy wheels is hurt? RUSH HIM BACK. Syndergaard can’t pitch? Sick the media on him but for God’s sake DON’T TELL HARVEY. Jay Horwitz is a fucking moron. It’s

I hope someone gives Bethenny TOO MUCH TUNA!

Having been in the USADA system for years, it’s super annoying to have to tell the weenie-watchers where I’ll be every day, but I have seen the tool for reporting whereabouts improve *drastically*. It’s really not tough now to review where the system thinks you’ll be and make adjustments. Plus you can still submit

“But I think you just can’t exclude people who disagree with us on one issue.”

Whatever​ happened to unicorns being the hot bi chick DTF significantly less attractive het couples?

It’s already catching on in the States too.

Kettle Chips are fucking crack. I love them! I like Salt & Pepper the best overall.