That Mianus, CT couldn't garner even an honorable mention is inexcusable.
That Mianus, CT couldn't garner even an honorable mention is inexcusable.
Well you don’t just start off by raping someone at Sundance.
To prevent my ass from being a spewing, angry, poop evacuation center, imma stick to almond milk
“You can’t get milk from an almond,” said Chris Galen, a spokesman for the National Milk Producers Federation. “You have to add a lot of other ingredients to make it look like milk.”
oh god. who cares? for all intents and purposes, it’s milk, and serves every function of milk culinarily speaking. don’t get into semantics here.
HA! I said that EXACT THING about showers/threesomes just 2 nights ago in discussion with my bf about how we are glad we are both so vanilla!
Seems a little overblown to say but it has honestly been great for our marriage. Someplace for the occasional hookup that is kid, pet, and dirty laundry free. And no mess for anyone to clean up!
I have never had any interest whatsoever in a threesome. I’m not morally opposed but I suspect it’s like showering with a partner—one of you is always standing away from the water, feeling chilly with shampoo in your hair.
This reeks of Wilpon.
How hard did Skip Bayless cum while reading the announcement?
Mets Social Media Intern: So what kind of picture do we want? We can go with Tebow playing football, swinging a bat, accepting the Heisman, a lot of good choices here.
The Mets love to put their PR department through hell without fail.
From her note: “For those of you who are doing the math here, and who are wondering if this situation is why my marriage came to an end this spring, the simple answer is yes.” Emotional cheating is still cheating in my book.
I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.
What the fuck Jake taling about? No one cared about the SB win? That is objectively not true. Sometimes I think the Broncos are the only thing people care about in this city. More than a third of the city was at the parade.
Ann thinks they just don’t try hard enough, and anyway, her turds are perfect the way they are!
similar to one of the first lessons I learned in audio recording school: