He was Fatt Harvey last season and pitched just fine.
And yet, Bernie Sanders is losing to her - badly! He has fallen dramatically in the polls over the last month. Why is that?
Says something about Bernie Sanders that he can’t even beat the “most disliked Democratic candidate in modern history.”
Stumbled across this show when I first got BBC America in the early ‘00s, could not believe how funny it was. Definitely worth tracking down if anybody hasn’t seen it.
There was a fantastic early ‘00s show on BBC America along these lines called “Are You Dave Gorman?” where a comedian named Dave Gorman went around looking for everybody else with his name. Well worth tracking down if you can find it.
And he was on The Man Show, right?
Wait wasn’t this guy on The Man Show way back when? Or was it some other dude who got implants to settle a bet?
I think Jesse Spector put it best re: fans booing Matt Harvey. There are multiple boos. The boo that, say, Harper gets from Mets fans is a “you suck, we don’t like you” whereas the boo Harvey got was much more of a “this sucks, we’re frustrated” kind of boo. I don’t think Mets fans “turned” on Harvey, they were just…
I had to stop playing WWF because I was playing all defense and not only were my friends getting mad at me, I wasn’t having much fun even though I was winning. Maybe I should’ve moved to Nigeria.
That’s some mighty revisionist shit right there. Unless there’s some kind of unreported agreement that a google search can’t turn up, Clinton dropped out of the race when it was clear she’d lost, because she, I don’t know, cared about putting a democrat in the white house or something. There was no deal whatsoever for…
Obama didn’t convince her supporters, Clinton did. She took the high road even though she was close enough she might have pulled out the nom at the convention, she cared more about putting a democrat in the white house than her own ego. Sanders has a chance to do the same and preserve the positive parts of the legacy…
Pretty sure I saw them at a Phish concert last month...
Over in the NHL, the Avalanche play the one-up sound when one of their players gets out of the penalty box after a power play.
Binghamton Bronies!
Secretary Clinton won the Nevada Caucus on election day. Why should the will of the voters be overturned by a handful of supporters of the losing candidate? Why does the will of the people only matter when it benefits the candidate you support? Over three million more voters have supported Clinton over Sen. Sanders.…
Want to know what’s really undemocratic? Caucuses. If BSers actually cared about the democratic process they would be protesting the caucus system, not the archaic rules within. Just scrap that whole system and go to primaries.
I’m a much bigger fan of his younger brother, Rougned Odor
The problem with the show was that there was not enough Ron Funches. Like, I would wait half an episode for him to do more than sit in the background. he was way underutilized (unless it got better w/r/t him, I only watched season one). He’s a rising star for sure, somebody’s gonna scoop him up and I damn well hope…
I won’t trim my beard when my team is in the playoffs. Doesn’t matter what sport. It got super long last winter before the super bowl and was really annoying, but I didn’t trim and the Broncos won, so now I know I’m definitely not crazy at all and it will work every time going forward.