
I think they really walked away because Paramount gave them carte blanche and a massive paycheck (which they completely deserve). I have huge respect for the Avatar creators, but I think their claim of “creative differences” was a shitty PR stunt to throw cold water on the production when they got a much better deal

Wait...This actually looks...good.

What a great collection of games!

If you take out the longer titles and the fact that there are twice as many of them, I’m sure the live action show is more minutes of actual screentime than the animated show.

What an absolute fucking chode

I also didn’t like that the synthesis option was never even presented until the last minute or so of the game.  And with almost no information.  It didn’t feel like an earned decision at all, it was just this sudden “And here’s this magic Kumbaya solution”

The term you’re looking for is “sleepnude her way thru”

It will show more range.

I guess so. I swear that Leto was the guy in the movie for 30 seconds in the boardroom. Guess I was wrong.

I heard grown men weeping when Captain America picked up Thor’s hammer at the end of Endgame. People might poo poo it all they want, but it affected people emotionally, and that is all art is suppose to do.

Absolutely beautiful film and a second-to-none soundtrack. It’s a better story on second and third viewings. I think part of that for me was because I went in with very high expectations and an idea of what was going to happen, and was disappointed when that didn’t happen. Rewatching it, I could let that go and I

To me it seemed obvious that the Tron thing and Jared Leto being in it for 30 seconds were obvious indications that they had a strong idea of what was going to happen in Tron 3 but then 2 didn’t pan out in the box office. I’d love to know if any of those original ideas survive a new script written many years later.

Being a kid during the 80s during the heyday of big comic book events like the original Secret Wars. And then having kids that got to grow up experiencing those same heroes on the big screen with technology and a commitment to a huge overarching story that no movie studio would have dreamed of when I was young. It was

An open secret in Hollywood is that Horror films are the only mid-budget films that you can bank on with any kind of certainty anymore. They are also the only films that have any chance of making theatrical money (with the exception of Dune/Avengers level event movies).  They are the only movies that teens like to

If you can make a Foundation TV show where Terminus is destroyed, there is no second foundation, flips the basic premise of Psychohistory, and mocks key lines from characters in the books, then anything can be an adaption!

I’ve created the term “Antidaption” to describe what they have done with the Foundation TV show.

Gibson has made the very smart move of making sure his work is adapted by Apple before he passes away, so they don’t mutilate it like Foundation.

I don’t know about the rest of them, but California Forever is really no more nefarious then a bunch of investors building a housing development. It’s just on a slightly larger scale then many large projects that have happened in other parts of the US.

Hate the horror genre in general, but I really dig the music, and this looks interesting.