
The Monks = Trump? Only been here for six months… "fake news". I suppose it's a reasonably good indictment by Dr Who.

I read online that there's a company that sells perfume oils that are supposed to individually evoke the personality of the various gods from the book/show. I bought one that is the scent of "The New Gods" and one specifically that's supposed to evoke the scent of the Ifrit/Jinn.

I had no fucking clue who was shooting at who, either. They really needed to do SOMETHING to differentiate the groups a bit more.

And I keep so very many robot secrets to myself to create artificial drama…

The whole Cade storyline was silly. There's already a pretty well-established origin story for the devil, i.e., a fallen angel, which makes the whole thing seem totally out of left field. They should have at the very least mentioned the well-known biblical story and then made a point that Cade was the true story and

I was thinking, couldn't they have jotted down the section on "how to kill the devil" on a napkin or something?

I figure because Bonnie opened up a portal between here and hell.

"Watching DD and Luke Cage sometimes feel like a chore or a slog." I thought I was the only one ! LOL

Pretty sure she's a Maenad, a worshiper of the god of wine, Dionysus. They consume hearts, they tear animals apart, and they have orgies in the forest. They can summon milk from the ground, and they also let animals suckle them. There was one on the tv show, True Blood.

I'm calling it.I think Lady Gaga's character is a Maenad, a follower of the greek god Dionysus, the God of wine. There was a similar creature in the tv show True Blood, played by Michelle Forbes. Maenads worship Dionysus, tear animals apart, have orgies in forests and allow animals to suckle them. They are depicted as

THIS !!!

The prison exterior, on season 2, ep1, looked horrible, but the interior looked great.

Oh, god, phrasing…..

That's not their humanity switch being turned off. They're possessed by whatever evil force was in that cave room.


Wow, no one here? WTF? The show was okay tonight, but this season is thankfully over. Let's hope season 8, especially if it ends up being the last, is when they pull out of their slump and go out with a bang. Didn't miss Elena as much as I thought I would, by the way. They had done so many "who will she pick"

I think you're correct. Why else would they include a scene where he gives Rick the recipe for bullets? When he is shown to be dead, next season, it won't have made sense how they know how to make bullets unless that recipe hand-off scene had been shown.

The "pee pants" line you mention is taken directly from the same scene in the comic.

This show is truly all sorts of horrible. I gave it a decent shot, but it's time to say goodbye. I will relish the reviews in coming weeks, however, as I think they'll vindicate my decision to bail.

It was done for comedic effect.