
The entire definition of a state is an entity which has the sole power to legally wield violence. We’ve all learned about the paradox of tolerance, right? A state that uses violence is no inherently bad; indeed, a state that refuses to use violence to protect its citizens from OTHERS who have no such moral qualms is

The fundamental difference between our positions seems to be that I have a bit of humility about what I may not know. Are all finance and tech jobs identical, with precisely the same reliance on “remote stakeholders”?

Isn’t it their prerogative?

Ah, you seem to be conflating the common definitions of the word gender.

I see you’re doing the same thing JKR does: claim that trans women are men, and that men are dangerous to women, therefore allowing trans women to use the women’s restroom puts other women in danger.

You have to realize that any third party tracking this conversation is going to be overtly confused by your comments. What are you talking about?

Some women are also natal men. Rowling (in the bathroom context at least) is only concerned with women that are also natal men... for precisely the reason virtually everyone i

She believes natal men are a threat to women... which is an entirely anodyne belief. This is a typical belief for humans, generally speaking, and particularly common among feminist activists (which Rowling apparently is)... and, arguably, completely understandable coming from a survivor of sexual assault (which

No direct quote from the essay (just a tortured interpretation out of context). Failure to even attempt to answer any of my pointed questions.

The clue is in the name - the stages are developmental. Some people’s ethical development halts at early stages, while some advance further. It would have been reasonable if you’d simply said that the stages exist on a bell curve and the uppermost stages have proportionately fewer people than the middle ones, but

> Rowling herself claims that buying her junk equals agreement with her views. She refuses to separate the art from the artist, so why should I?


How are you thinking independently here?

While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Thing is, nobody applies “ethical consumption” consistently. For example, there’s a pretty good chance that at least 70% of the stuff you own contains parts manufactured in China. Does that mean you automatically support totalitarianism, child labor, work camps, etc?

Great idea. You go ahead and do this then since you clearly have all your ducks in a row, but don’t complain about not having enough money, if Mr. Beast can come from nothing, so can you! All you need to do is believe in yourself! So go out there my friend and make your dreams a reality!

Unless you’re one of those

Deep breaths, dude. An invitation to reason is not an attack on your person.

Your analysis seems to be missing a point. His ability to engage in philanthropy relies very directly on making videos like this (videos people actually watch), so any use of his time and effort that doesn’t reliably feed back in to that cycle is fundamentally counter-productive in the space he occupies.

There will alw

I seriously doubt this is the most unhinged take.

She literally has a bit of a babyface, which is a particular combination of facial features and is different from simply “looking young”.

At the end of the year when we’re all talking about best-of lists, this will be the episode everyone mentions. Fantastic.

I haven’t played the game, so this seemed like a tremendously complicated level.