
MMMMmmmm delicious invisible hamburger...

“Sus” had been around for decades before Among Us repopularized it, and I’m pretty sure I’ve found it in print dictionaries from back in the day when I had print dictionaries.

Positively Montoyan.

Agree. Also, “gaslighting” does not simply mean “lying.”

This reminds me of whenever someone is mildly inconvenienced by something they whip out the word “draconian” to either somehow sound smart by using a new word they learned or fighting back against oppression because alternate side parking is in effect.

Please don’t repeat that nonsense. The Hobbit films had their share of issues, but they only used the digital size effect in one single scene of the whole trilogy: Bag End. The rest of the time they relied on the tried and true forced perspective, in fact more often than the LotR films did, requiring fewer body double

Rings Of Power episodes have the “X-ray” menu with trivia and behind the scenes media. The most interesting to me has been the finalized concept art and BTS stills, which show how huge and physical the sets are. For example both the Grey Havens and Numenorean boats are fully built structures.

Exactly. Imagine all of these people visiting all of these places by hopping from island to island via plane.

In Chrome on desktop at least, right click the video and click “Show all controls” to get volume, timestamp, fullscreen, playback speed, and a download button

Tolkien retconned the Istari himself with one of his later appendices saying that the Blue Wizards specifically came to Middle Earth during the Second Age around the time of the forging of the One Ring. He never expanded on it because that was one of umpteenth million extra bits, but it seems like he had some ideas in

That’s not quite correct.

Because of the precedent it sets: now that CloudFlare has shown it is willing to block sites that they don’t like, they’ll be under far more pressure to apply this action to cases that are less clear cut. I think they made the right call here (I mean, seriously folks, why did it take this long), but I sorta understand

Not sure why people are certain it's Gandalf, it could easily be a fake-out and be one of the Blue Wizards.

Why did he drop out of the sky, then? Sauron’s clearly doing stuff because there’s places under orc attack and Galadriel is now hot on his trail. I’m not ruling out the showmakers trying to pull one but I don’t think it HAS to be Sauron by a long shot.

Ugh I hope not I hate that trope and “made you think this is Gandalf but sike it’s Sauron lol” would be a big fuck you. Also everyone has played that card from Stranger Things to Star Trek to basically every iteration of Harry Potter so UUGGHHHHH no thanks. It's Gandalf. But interesting theory.

Sure. I think it’s reasonable for people to be slightly irked, and also reasonable for the other person to want to discuss it - it should probably just have been flagged up a bit or spoiler-blocked (if you can do them here, I forget).

I would have cashed out, moved to a country where Crypto.com does not have jurisdiction and enjoy the simple life on a beach somewhere.

nope, stop. Unless, you are being sarcastic, 2.5 years after release AND a mod to let you play sans VR you are not entitled to a Spoiler warning.

That “pretty extensive history” of Pitt dating underage girls consists of exactly one, Juliette Lewis, who was 17 and emancipated, and the relationship lasted for several years. That comment is really misleading.

Having carried a p-38 in my pocket in my late teens and early 20 and giving up. they are sharp and damage your pockets and things in your pocket. Just keep one handy and not necessarily on your person.