
Hey, my town! My friends and I were discussing this, and the current highest bet among my group is that it’s a tweaker in a stolen fursuit. 4 of them were stolen out of a car a while back, we figured it was only a matter of time before someone got bored/high enough to put it on and run around town.

It does seem like the article glosses rather hastily past the issue of counterfeit products; I wonder how many of the problems are really associated with Seresto collars and how many are from fraudulent collars. Counterfeit products are a huge problem right now. The article mentions some of the complaints, but doesn’t

This is true... but its probably important to note that the attempts to slow (or halt) change in a language is also a totally valid part of the whole process.

My son was playing the Fortnite “Among Us” mode yesterday and his friends wanted to turn the full voice chat on to hear everyone in the game(I guess there are ways to communicate without them for the game but chatting is easier for that sorta thing). I guess they had it on for less then ten minutes before some dude

I don’t think you are.

yeah! ultimately you’re right. Sometimes these lines are/feel definite for the people who are drawing them around themselves, and I want to respect that. But I also want to respect the fact that people are allowed to draw these lines for themselves, and fully explore their own identities.

That’s a very complicated question, but recent events have shown that you’re giving money to an actor who might vengefully use that money to continue hurting people they have previously hurt. Maybe. But certainly, this isn’t a case of reading a dead author who was racist, or watching a movie with a large cast where

Two things stand out. One, the statement that being in the office 40 hours minimum is apparently less than people in the factory need to work in a week. 40 hours is generally considered the max hours before going into overtime. That makes it seem like the factory workers are being fucked.

im 42, having to check that then type it has ruined my day

Exactly. The vast majority of cops have never shot anyone, despite what it seems like in the news. They seem to be terrible judges of when to use lethal force. A police department is lucky is they have one good sharp shooter on staff. And even then, they were probably trained by a previous career in the military, not

I’ve never been in the camp that an actor needs to fully resemble real-life people they’re portraying (it’s led to some terrible fat suit prosthetics in recent years) but some are so iconic that it’s distracting if they don’t. Elvis falls into that category.

Gen Z doesn’t know who Beatles, David Bowie or Madonna are, so there’s that.

I agree with your rebuttals. I don’t have a strong argument against anything you stated, and have no real reason to be enflamed, proactive, or defensive. The complexities involved part (in which you discussed other nations in response to my referencing the top) I think is maybe a little too “they’re hard to compares,

The problem isn’t inherently owning a weapon. The problem is a bunch of people owning weapons who treat them like toys and lack any empathy for people.

Reggie should have a cool beard by now

I think he’s right in both cases: Unionizaton *as a movement* is a good thing, period. Unions as actualized, individual entities are neither inherently good nor bad. They do generally mean that employees have concerns or complaints which are not being adequately addressed, so in that sense they are an indicator of a

2 things happened.  They must be related!

First, your arguing that people should be in cities (not sprawled out burning gas) while also arguing that one of the most powerful forces that kept people in cities (going to the office) is essentially indefensible (even in the short term). I don’t actually disagree with much of what you’re saying right here about