
I’m actually surprised he didn’t take the 100m buyout. I had the impression that he’s in a somewhat challenging spot with his new property expansions for creator warehouse... and his income still seems to rely heavily on the whims of Google. Even with Floatplane that has to have cost him a lot of sleep over the years.

The two sentences that immediately followed that statement support it. Socialism, on its own, is evidently inherently unstable. The evidence is that every stable country on the planet mixes socialism and capitalism. I asked for a single example that illustrates otherwise... the fact that you didn’t even try only furthe

It seems to be that the details matter (like the actual terms of rental, etc) and we don’t have those details. The suitability of the term “company town” hinges entirely on details we don’t have.

This is... well... a good point.

Socialism is evidently unstable. This is why the most stable countries on the planet mix elements of socialism and capitalism. Please... for the sake of your own sanity... point out a real world socialist success story that isn’t embedded in a capitalist framework.

I think the point I’m trying to make could be clarified by analogy. Political movements have overly-simplistic slogans... not because they want to oversimplify... but because that is the only way that public messaging seems to work. For example... if someone were to argue that “Black Lives Matter” is an

“More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster.”

The obesity epidemic, at least in the US, is a result of people eating both crap and too much of it... making a focus on any particular component probably counter productive. The “eat better” campaigns have been failing for decades. The “eat less” campaigns have been failing for decades. The “exercise more” campaigns

There is no world in which a doctor doesn’t do the (usually) simple tests for a heart condition just because their patient is obese. What your describing is doctors follow standard diagnostic procedures which starts with the most likely explanations with the least invasive treatments (and slowly work towards the least

There is also a big difference between how a person is and how a couple of people (even people close to them) describe them to be. Sanderson only confirmed the “lack of pain” descriptions in the most tepid of ways yet the author of the article ran with it as though a specific diagnosis was confirmed to them by a

Another nasty story from the report claims Amazon Studios relies too heavily on data and focus groups, leading to productions that focused on women or contained LGBTQ themes being put on the backburner. An example cited in the report is A League of Their Own, which struggled to get a season two and when it did, was

It’s also worth emphasizing how Mormon tithing differs, fundamentally, from the types of donations you see in most religions today (most of the time). The tithe is just the low bar for acceptance as a “good” Mormon and that money goes directly to the centralized church. In addition to that there is a strong pressure

I would expect a journalistic article to explore the specifics (like what is true of a particular religion now, not in the relatively distant past... what his specific donations have been and likely will be in the future, etc). I don’t expect that sort of those specifics from half thought out comments in a discussion

I think the thing that strikes folks (that have actually paid any attention to Sanderson over the last decade) is that there really is plenty to write about... especially right now.

Order: 1886 was the game that convinced me that it really is possible to make 30fps look and feel good in an action game. I had previously, and in all other cases I’ve experienced, found this to be completely false.

I mean... I get it... I’ve been in a room where I was the only person that could even tell the

When people say Sanderson has “bad prose”, what they mean is that it’s workmanlike.

I appreciate that you note that the exact amount doesn’t matter much (making your first paragraph somewhat disingenuous)... whatever the exact amount is it’s roughly 10% of everything he will make for as long as he is in the Church. That is just a fact, that sets Mormonism apart from most other faiths. It’s a variable

I know.

In the Name of the Wind is a great example of why prose really doesn’t matter that much.

I know. You’re essentially making my point for me.