
Yes, but talking about trans people in a way that doesn’t perfectly align with the one and only (apparently) acceptable public view is not the same as “arguing whether certain human beings should have rights and be treated with decency”. Vaguely pointing out extraordinarily basic, well established and well subscribed

The Fallout games certainly have a... muddy aesthetic.

One issue is that people get side-tracked by side-quests and never finish the main story. I think it’s something like only 20% of people on Steam finished the main plot of Witcher 3, which is one of the reasons CDP has stated that Cyberpunk is going to be shorter overall (to 100%) with more focus on a central

So long as you like these sorts of GTA-LIKE games, and you aren’t turned off by the setting, absolutely yes.


I completely agree with the sentiment that a person shouldn’t be expected to be “overly kind all the time”. That isn’t actually what she is accused of. Those are the talking points she, and her defenders, put forth as an alternate interpretation of what others have described as straight up systematic cruelty.

I’m sure

Hopefully, by this time, they will have quit their job (in theatrical fashion) to dedicate their lives fully to the YouTube rebirth of Judy Nails.

On a long enough timeline, there are no lies.

That is a poor argument, given the fact that they are simultaneously suing Google for ostensibly the same reasons.

This is an incoherent argument given the history of the relevant case law. It’s akin to telling Netscape that all they needed to do was develop their own OS to compete with Internet Explorer.

Epic charges companies 30% for the privilege of selling on their storefront?

Interesting. It seems that you interpreted the comments as “why even bother?” when all I read was “is there a better way?”.

It’s likely that it is dramatically more effective than no mask at all, even with a hypothetical loss of effectiveness over time. I think the aphorism that applies in this instance is “never let the perfect be the enemy of the good”.

This report identifies areas of racially disparate treatment in the criminal system, but identifying the causes of that treatment is beyond the scope of our analysis.

You could go from house to house on the same street in the same town and find consoles in wildly different conditions... some clogged with dust and pet dander... others barely dusty at all. It all varies wildly depending on a bunch of seemingly unrelated variables. How often do you actually use the console (does it

Companies are made up of individuals, whom as a whole have many priorities and many real actual feelings. Profit tends to be at the top of those priorities, at least when people put on their company hats, because keeping that priority high tends to keep people employed and able to support themselves, their families

It’s possible to sincerely care about more than one thing at a time.

I don’t pay $60 for games with 10 to 15 hours of content. I don’t generally buy games new anyways but if I do they at least have to push 40+ hours.

What I am saying is that I am excited now, finally. It took getting the damn game into my hands and several hours of story campaign play, but I am finally looking forward to getting back to playing Marvel’s Avengers. I think I’ll do that now.

I think their point is that if developers add on a totally optional GaaS multiplayer segment (that you can choose to ignore) the single player content seems to actually reduce in value to some players. The OP seems to be capturing this in their comment... although the wording is a little weird so maybe we (Inhert and