
I think a thumbs up is an indication that a person is satisfied or they approve of what you just said (dictionary definition of “thumbs-up”), but they simply have nothing to add to that particular exchange. I can see how it might be perceived as rude if you gave one in reply to something like “I have cancer” or “I

I’m slightly annoyed when I see a “they’re” or a “you’re” in a text.


It’s really pretty but if this is the difference between 6 teraflops with 12 teraflops,

Open Carry is legal and Stand Your Ground means they are permitted to use lethal force the moment they are threatened (they don’t have to retreat or seek help from authorities). There is also an ordinance that permits civilians to “arrest” individuals they have, personally, seen commit a crime (so following a person

Are you looking for the top/best players in the Platinum or Valorant tier... what about the lower tiers? I mean... each tier will have it’s own top/best players.

Was she the only employee that was filming pornography while on company property in the company uniform? This article gives us one sentence where it’s mentioned that another employee is an OnlyFans video (and they aren’t being punished) but it doesn’t mention if that employee was also acting as a representative for

Here is a direct link to a cache from this morning (if people doubt your screen grab).

It’s couched as “saving a buck”, but is it possible that it’s really about keeping their workforce employed? Sanitation supplies aren’t exactly growing on trees at the moment so the choice may actually be between giving dubious advice and closing (possibly forever).

It seems like the CDC and WHO have been playing a


That mob is brilliant because it requires players to resist their finely honed “doomstincts”... it’s a huge pain to jump and dash your way to victory against the Marauder.

Aren’t most of the newer Milwaukee batteries a block that slides horizontally in to place? That’s all I’ve seen on their newer cordless stuff.

A quick amazon search for “drill battery” overwhelming comes back with results for batteries that look like the one in the article. I’d bet money that it’s one of the most readily available types of battery (even now) thanks to the aftermarket.

Its extremely important to emphasize that your video illustrates the difference between SSD and HDD. That is not actually analogous to the difference between generations of NVME storage.

That, of course, will change as games (and assets) get bigger and bigger and developers are able to rely on a large installation base

“People can do what they want and we are all free to judge them for it.”

I’ve done all that. Snore.

I can’t seem to dig it up at the moment, but I read a study once that implied that excessive use of hand sanitizer can actually increases chances of all sorts of infections because of the cumulative damage it does to you epidermis. You kill whatever is one you at the moment but you may actually cause hard to see

I’ve already expended way too much effort and time on this. Feel free to respond with another thousand words.

I just told you that if I voted to help my circumstance I would’ve voted for Trump.

That is a red herring. If you wanted to help your “fiscal” circumstance you would have voted for trump. Obviously, your fiscal circumstance is not your highest priority and you should be lauded for that. That just isn’t relevant to my point.