Lets take a moment to step back so I can make my position clear...
Lets take a moment to step back so I can make my position clear...
I’m sure that is true in most situations... I’m just not entirely sure that would be true in this situation.
I have seen (and thus NOT hit) a fair number of critters, a few kids, and a cyclist or two, and yet missing a full person in blue jeans and with a red bike that`s in the middle of the road directly ahead (in the right lane of 2 lanes, mind) seems like a really, really low standard of awareness to place on any driver,…
Even last second braking would not have prevented a collision, but saved that woman’s life.
A Human could have at least hit the brakes 2 seconds earlier...
Um, no. Have you at any point in your life been driving at night and found that you could only see 20 feet ahead
What you appear to be saying is that, in this instance, the system did not surpass the capabilities of a human driver. I think that is a valid criticism.
The following is a counterfactual claim... but I think it’s reasonable to say that a human driver (even one paying close attention to the road) would likely not have…
The title is a counterfactual claim that this bridge failed because of the nature of the building process... since we don’t actually know (yet) what caused the collapse it remains a “might”.
This failure is not actually evidence, on its own, of an absence of checks or redundancies to either mitigate or prevent mistakes.
...he was too “proud” to accept it...
If this situation doesn’t count as “a serious slap in the face from reality” I don’t know what does.
Yes, everyone should use common sense in dangerous situations. That’s a no brainer. But going down that road always leads to victim-blaming.
The main takeaway for me, as somebody who doesn’t want to be raped, is that A) I shouldn’t hang out with drunk people; B) I shouldn’t say sexual things; and C) anybody could be a rapist (including the guy I exchange cat pictures with) so I shouldn’t trust anybody.
If you read the article you must have noted that the focus was on the directors comments... not the actual film itself.
1. If you don’t like the uniform you are free to say so (happily)... if all else fails you can certainly get a different job
It seems like there are always two related but very different points that spring up around these situations that are both (simultaneously) true.
They Kaceytron stream has changed over the years. Sometimes, she says, people tell her that her schtick is done. “People act like if I stopped showing cleavage, I’d stop getting donations and views,” Caviness said. “That’s completely false.” These days, she says she is trying to play off viewers’ positive comments…
Did you venture in to Device Manager to make sure devices are set not to wake the computer (like your network adapter, usb devices/hubs, etc... in the Power Management tab)? That is an old one... not even sure if it is relevant in Win10.