Wow! That makes you a great person, and bragging about it in a sarcastic, back-handed way makes you greater than great!
Wow! That makes you a great person, and bragging about it in a sarcastic, back-handed way makes you greater than great!
Comments like yours aren't helping, either.
So, by Walmart's own error of their "price-matching system", some people managed to get $50 PS4's? Boo fucking hoo.
Yeah. Have fun servicing that thing.
Oh it was KLM, not KLF. Sorries.
Did someone say KLF?? All bound for Moo Moo land!!!
VAGphiliac approved.
This garage is beyond douchery, however I am all in favor of a big garage.
This is kind of putting a dent in my staunch "Four wheels are better than two" opinion.
Vipers are great if you can handle the power, unlike this guy who might be better off with a Miata.
Can you re-word that, perhaps taking out the whole "I think they are prettier/richer/luckier/nicer/whatever than me so I shall hatefuck them out of sneering jelousy" thing?
She's on 4AD?
She's wearing a pretty nice prison outfit.
Check out Audi S4 & S6 Avant in Googleland.
As a woman who works in the automotive industry, races and does autocross occasionally, and really likes cars... I'll be buying the Porsche because it is a Porsche. The car's handling, horsepower, and application dictate my interest (Or any car, for that matter).