
Looks like someone can get trapped in her boobs, too.

Fucking lame. This guy is a tool.

Reminds me of when I lived in Colorado, and rocked an MKIII GTI...

Thanks for that! I had no idea and would of never guessed him.

Wow, this artwork totally embodies the design of that era. It doesn't get any better than this. I'd park this car next to my Basquiats, Harrings, and Schnabels.

Bah! I got my PhD in Armchair Psychopharmacology from Wikiversity of Internet!

Everything was fine until you opened the damn doors. I mean, slap me for being politically incorrect, but... that shit looks retarded.

This hits me in the feels... Down there.

You can pry the steering wheel out of my fuel guzzling vehicle from my COLD DEAD HANDS.

Is your username "Thundercunt"?

Viva la MyFast.

Dat back...

I somewhat agree. Having seen a good share of them, mainly B5, if meticulously maintained they will last way past 200k. However: There is always the one or two one-and-only owners who have done everything by the book and still end up with a scary ending.

They forgot to add the "Passenger Eject" button.

You... You explained it so well... So many people try. AND FAIL.

Little, teensie weensie "Quattro". I see what you did there, you Teutonic rascals!