
I somewhat agree. Having seen a good share of them, mainly B5, if meticulously maintained they will last way past 200k. However: There is always the one or two one-and-only owners who have done everything by the book and still end up with a scary ending.

They forgot to add the "Passenger Eject" button.

You... You explained it so well... So many people try. AND FAIL.

Little, teensie weensie "Quattro". I see what you did there, you Teutonic rascals!


Hmm. "Quattro" on the grille?

No. As a Service Advisor, I love them...

Check out those funbags!!!

Teeeeeny Tiny Nurburgrings... Awww.


Dat ass.

I'm more of a Teutonic Chariot kind of girl, but this thing's got me sold...

I see this in my sleep. I'm used to it.

Thank you for the sleuth work. It is appreciated.

A spider? Maybe.

Why is the roof smooshed?

Novel concept car gains notoriety via video game —> Exposes brand —-> Youngin's flock to dealership

Well, er... Hey, at least it's not behind anything that you have to disassemble.

Pssh... Look at this puny thing..

I was going to go all "Jezebel" on you... But fuck it.