Good point (that's what I did, basically). Except try telling that to the Factory Stock-Baby enthusiasts.
Good point (that's what I did, basically). Except try telling that to the Factory Stock-Baby enthusiasts.
I'm firmly convinced that I will have nightmares after watching this.
I am a former addict. Heroin addict, actually. This is what I have to say.
I love you too!
So... why the bros commenting on Jezzy?
Still a fucking lame song.
As a hipster whom drives Audi's uncool cousin, a VW, and whom works in the automotive field, encountering Audi's daily... I have nothing to say.
"Bro, yeah I got steelies... But the shit's bagged and stanced!"
Hmm. Same chassy... haldex, engine (gen2? gen3?)... But in a Beetle body.
I just... Wow.
As a former service adviser, I love your C5 Allroad too!