"Breast Friends"?
"Breast Friends"?
Taped before a live studio audience!
Claimed David Letterman's mom as well.
You mistyped "Larry Crowne 2: King For A Day".
You need to do whatever helps you sleep at night.
This story is, at best, a Lifetime movie without Tom Hanks.
I can't wait to tell my dad about this! #everytomhanksfilmsince1994
The Godfather Part III needed a wartime consigliere, just like the new KFC ads need a wartime Kentucky Colonel. #civilwar
Like many other 20th and 21st century popular artists, their "art" weakened considerably once the artist either A). got married or B). had children. The release of Dogma coincided in not only Smith getting married, but having a kid as well.
So it wasn't just me!
But seriously now…what are Kurt Metzger's thoughts on the new Ghostbusters film?
Sounds more like a "B+" than a "B-".
Wake me when Kurdish women start wearing booty shorts.
"This!" - Clint Eastwood
Why spend time and money developing something that isn't going to sell well anyway?
I'm here for the free balloons.
Please leave your A.V. Club card at the door on your way out.
The plugs in the front took root nicely.
Anna Faris deserved an Oscar nom for her work in Just Friends.
He's the new Tom Hanks.