
even anti- gravity skates?

shut the fuck up please

dude was whining and crying about every call the whole game

whats that?

who the hell is Greg jennings

so does his brother.

Yeah I'm a Spurs fan but grew up a Knicks fan.dolan has just screwed this team up so bad I can't watch . Carmelo's great and stodumaire can be, but after that u got shumpert, who's ok but not much else. Good luck

I don't know man, NBA is full of selfish players. Who could they really get for him that would make up for his ppg.botttom line is Knicks r fucked.

ok did not realize bucks were over 500 but it's still early, just not really getting ur point.if they get rid of jr u think Knicks will be a contender? Just asking.

am I the only one who thinks these guys look ridiculous standing on field in suits, and trying to run plays?

Please ur fucking delusional. They lost to bucks!

and marshawyn lynch?

isn't he like the 3rd player this week to quit on team in middle of a game?

he did not, and yes he was.

r u serious?? Which one do you think?

Brent Schrotenboer reports, "In Goodell's seven years on the job, NFL players have been arrested or charged with crimes at least 395 times, including 107 drunken-driving arrests, 43 domestic-abuse cases, 34 cases involving guns and 84 cases involving fighting or disorderly conduct, usually at bars or nightclubs late


you do know u r a fucking idiot right?

fuck off liar

ur a fucking moron