
Is all of Gawker Media just intentionally posting articles to incite the GIF and picture posters? I mean are you seriously fucking nuts? The problem isn't fixed I just saw a photo of someone getting their head cut off over on Gawker two seconds ago on an article about someone fucking someone else in the ass and I

I'm sure the average mom is a big fan of the guy who cheated on his wife with about 52,000 women

Are you the one posting these GIFs?

How can men who aren't terrible people overcome women's assumption that men are terrible people, particularly when it comes to the dating world? The worst thing I've ever done to a woman is not pull her chair out when taking her to dinner, only because I don't really understand that proper etiquette, but I live in a

Does she know about the GIFs you can't control?

Why do you say that as if that's not up to you? Who do you think these magical organizations are? They're all charities. You have the ability to fund and/or work for and/or create them to do just that. If you don't what you suggest should happen will not happen.

Does anyone know anything about this treatment where they use a laser to do some kind of deep cleaning? A dentist recommended it to me and it's very expensive and I've never heard of it otherwise, don't know if it's legit or bullshit

*carefully inserts best comment I could think of in this time of comment warfare hoping it doesn't get GIF raped* Orlando is a silly name

The entire point of this charity is to give electronic devices to youth that can't afford them. I don't even have to defend my post against your response due to literally the entire purpose of this charity. Technically what you implied is that the LGBT youth in low income areas would be the only ones without

You're crying because you're sad. Why can people never just say they're crying because they're sad?

a case of the sads?

Maybe I'm being pessimistic here but isn't there likely a correlation of low income areas with areas where LGBT youth are bullied for being LGBT? And if that youth is suddenly the only one on the block with an iPad and their friends go "where'd that come from?" that could cause them issues. Sounds like they'll be

........don't ever compare anyone to Cheryl Cole

I kept it easy for comparison, do you really want to use lyrics by black artists that are absolutely popular in the black community? Would I find those to be not filled with glorification of crime?

Kris Kristofferson would like a word with you

We've already had extended conversations about Iggy Azalea and her style of music, but in summary she co-opts the southern black accent, and her music and entire style is created by T.I. and a team of other black producers to be sold to black audiences. The fact she's white gives the extra commercial boost because

Current most popular song among "black people music": Fancy

I find that old people were not actually pussies about going to Europe.