Is there any truth to the rumors that he got his dog from Brian Griese?
Am I allowed to sprinkle some Old Bay on there?
Are you from the future?
He exists just so this can exist…
How to make steamed pork dumplings:
Wouldn't it be just grand if the vote Deadspin bought ended up being the only one to not vote in Maddux?
He would have a chance if he got rid of those sideburns.
Fuckin' Ewoks.
Mike Napoli also inspired kids to wear nothin'
During the playoffs I was listening to a St. Louis broadcast and the guy seemed so disinterested in the game even though the Cards won. He sounded like someone had run over his dog, but it still isn't as bad as listening to a ChiSox broadcast.
We are lucky to not have homers for announcers. If you cut out the player names from the broadcasts you wouldn't know if an Oriole or the other team just hit that home run. I didn't know how lucky we were until I started going to away games.
I have had myself my fair share of Natty Boh, but I really only drink it when it is at a significant price difference from real beer (although I will drink it over the big 3) or when I am drinking Bohs before O's (or kickball/softball). At least some Baltimore love is shown with the limited edition O's, Ravens, and…
Must be a 'bama fan.
I have always been waiting for someone to make an egg and butter flavored pie.
Still having the ridges is crucial.
Where do I get the free roast beef sandwich?