
There’s no support for Vizio tvs, even if the tv has built in chromecast.

I do municipal water testing. For whatever reason everyone has the same oddly specific go to of asking if their water is why they are growing a third nipple. 

I could see this being used strategically where a runner is on second and the ball scoots away from the catcher so the runner heads for third. . If the ball doesn’t get far from the catcher the batter could break for first to either try to draw the throw or work as insurance if the lead runner gets caught up in a

According to the Atlantic League press release , you can “steal” (they put the quotes in) first base. Oddly, the press release gives little information about the new rules instituted or a link to the new rules. 

The actual apology she wrote is fine but I feel the essay in Bazaar does a disservice to the actual apology. Publishing the apology makes it feel like self-service, especially when she mentions that she had to do it to get past her regrets. That's not to say that we don't all apologize at times just to feel better

Went to New York for game 4 of the 2012 ALDS with a group of friends and another Orioles fan that was at the game ended up having to come sit with us because the people around him were threatening to push him over the railing. Beating them wasn’t enough to keep them from harassing us all the down the ramps and to the

Finally, we have an answer to that question. 

I think it may be time for you to go to bed... Unless of course the Orioles go on an amazing run and manage to avoid losing 100 games. Then I will come back to this post and edit out any indication that I doubted you. 

I'm an Orioles fan. I'm sure if any team can pull it off it's them. 

They must be bad to score a run and still be shutout. 

The time that I worked at Walmart and the time I was a section leader in the Ravens band overlapped. I hope that means I am the jerkoff asshole who thought it was my time to shine. If anyone felt that strongly about how much of a big meanie I was as a section leader that kid is going to have a rough go of things when

What tops it off is that after being eliminated in the World Series, the losing team usually stays in the dugout and watches the other team celebrating for a bit as if they are trying to harvest that energy to use as motivation next year.

I wouldn’t mind video being 720 on my phone because the screen is too small for it to matter. The problem I have is that ever since the throttling has started videos have bounced back and forth from clear video to pixelated shit shows.

And then proceeded to blow up again and set off a series of events that led to the bases clearing double by Delmon Young that completed the comeback from being down 6-3 in the 8th.

All this time I thought the home team batted in the bottom of the inning.

I thought you were referring to the third car since that was the one levarion said was trying to sneak through a yellow.

No, but turning vehicles do have to yield to cars going straight.

They are probably buyers because there is nothing to offer as sellers unless a major player on a real contender gets hurt. We got Smith for players that were so bad that the O’s got better by not having them, so clearly there wasn’t much of a market for him, we got Beef on the cheap because teams just don’t seem to

Correct. In the infield a ball is not determined to be fair or foul until it stops, passes first or third, or is touched. The previous day the Cardinals had a hit where the ball was going foul but hit the lip of the grass and kicked back fair before our pitcher could get it.