
I wonder if the stadium guides still have a page with the "Field Demensions."

I have yet to try to listen to a game this year, but if you have to pay an extra $20 for the Game Day Audio then it is a change from previous years. Regardless, $35 total to be able to stream audio for the whole season is cheap.

MLB At Bat is the end all tell all app of sports apps in general. No other app even comes close. Streaming radio included with the app? How many other sports are going to give that kind of fan service? The best part of it is that even if you are in blackout areas you can still listen to the radio broadcasts. While I

Meh, I only care about Simpsons catchphrases being added to the dictionary.

If the Sphynx loses, I'm going to blame it on people being confused by the images for the cats being flipped.

It's going to happen right after the Cubs win the World Series.

You could also use this article if you want some simple ideas that are not in an annoying slide show format

Some jobs now request to see your Facebook pages as a part of the interview process. The other problem is things getting passed on through friends of friends and so on.

The movers were just preparing you for the disappointment that is living in Maryland.

I thought the take home message for the Rally to Restore Sanity was that the DC metro sucks.

You have to actually click where it says expand, not just the image.

It only took a day to get all of the trophies? They must not be too hard.

I'm glad that the PS3 is giving me a chance to play all of these great franchises that I never had a chance to play with even better versions than I would have gotten to play beforehand.

Not that I have gotten a chance to personally try it, but I have seen a lot of praise for 3D when being used for gaming.

The soda one was the best one.

Had I had poster board and a marker I would have made a sign that read "I spent more time in line for the metro than I did at this rally."

So that's how to get it to work. Thanks.

Whenever I try to do that with the new Gawker layout it says that the content can not be shared.

How do you edit a link to work on Facebook without having to "Like" the article?