It's hard to tell sarcasm on the internet. :-/ I am still not sold on the idea of geoengineering. Pumping more chemicals into the air to counteract whatever chemicals we are already pumping into the air does not seem like a good idea.
It's hard to tell sarcasm on the internet. :-/ I am still not sold on the idea of geoengineering. Pumping more chemicals into the air to counteract whatever chemicals we are already pumping into the air does not seem like a good idea.
I keep having the problem that the links at the bottom are only intermittently there. Sometimes there is just white space where the links to the other blogs should be.
Yours looks so much better than mine. Why was I cursed with such horrible art skills?
Well I guess that last part explains why I have a new shitty version of the app instead of the old one that was much better while one of my friends still has the old version.
Oddly enough, I have been called that on occasion.
The problem would be that such an attempt to skew temperatures would be a band aid and not a fix to the problem. Nuking the outback does not solve the problem of carbon emissions nor is it sustainable. There are only so many times that you can nuke the outback before the fallout begins to expand to the inhabited parts…
Both terms are correct and neither are a better term per se. Climate Change explains what is happening while Global Warming describes the net effect.
What is your comment even arguing? I presume that you are listing other areas that have had years that are colder than usual, but it's hard to tell because you just randomly listed countries without saying anything about them. If so, it would seem that you are trying to say that the world is cooling globally…
Clearly Southern US = Global
No they didn't. Read it again.
It's hard to say how much money Criterion actually makes off of each movie considering they spend a lot more time and money restoring and transferring the films than any studio would and their movies are limited press since it is a very niche market they attract.
I don't think it's so much an issue with Android as an OS as it is an issue with some phones not having chipsets capable of handling streaming video.
Better yet, you get streaming of the radio broadcasts with the app without having to pay anything extra. Considering even the radio broadcast has a delay, I'm sure the tv broadcasts have a really long lag to them. Regardless, this app is so much better than anything you can get for the other sports. I love the MLB's…
Leaving comments about it on the internet will in no way prevent them finding out about this issue. At least I don't have to worry about catching O's games since they have their own network so every game is televised, regardless if only 12,000 show up to the game.
Sounds too much like the feud that went on with CBGB. Looks like this arcade is a goner. :-/
How about some discounts on games for people who have PSN+?
Well, you could just go with the Xperia Play since that will have the best of both worlds.
We know it is bullshit because they later admitted that no beer came out, only Bud Light.
You do realize this is just something they are giving away for Valentine's Day, right? On Playstation you only get Flying Hamster, and that's only if you have PSN+.