Ceiling Cat

I typically just do the pits, tits, and ass when I shower which is every 2-3 days. I definitely think we as a culture shower too much and use soap too much washing away good bacteria and oils, but I also think everyone is so different regarding oily/dry skin and how much they sweat and everything. It’s hard to say

Honestly some people just don’t smell much. My dad doesn’t even wear deodorant because he just doesn’t need it. And that man’s diet is 50% scrapple, Nutella, and pretzels.

Sometimes my kids just get dunked. Like a baptism. Ok, rough towels!, rough towels! Into the jammies. Here’s your bottle. Love you. Now go (the fuck) to sleep.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis only bathe their children (with soap) if there is visible dirt on their bodies.

I mean, what else can Damon say? He and Baffleck go back a long way and are presumably still friends, yet are very different when it comes to romance. Damon married a regular person while Baffleck’s dated/married other stars.

I’m trying to understand what we’re going for with this take on Damon’s take on the relationship.

Just for the record, I’m never interested in what Justin Timberlake is doing.

“Son, you got a panty on your head.

Being cheated on is not part of her brand.

Yup. When I was five I stole a bunch of jellybeans from a bag my mom had socked away in the laundry room for Easter. When she taxed me with it, I claimed that someone must have broken in and stolen them. Five year-old me STILL had better lies than these numbskulls.

I think in this case it’s projection about the kind of babes the strapping Texan in the article was hoping to find...

...wth his metal whip (who knew there was such a thing!) and pepper spray.

Being cheated on is not part of her brand. She’s Jennifer Lopez, not Aniston (not that the latter was actually cheated on, but that’s the narrative).

I WANT to believe its real but I’m so tired and jaded and any optimism I had has been drained.....bennifer 2.0 is fucking with us and its working. Aside from that, I have 2 observations:

Sean Penn. Robert Downey Jr. The lead singer of Creed.

i’ll post it since jez can’t

Nothing says “nothing to see here” like panty hose on your head and head-to-toe red pleather.

Thank you. I have been saying this for months!!!

And Britney Spears is the one who needs a conservatorship...