Ceiling Cat

Yeah I didn’t think you meant it that way, and I get what you mean. But I do think that we need to avoid describing single parent households as broken as it implies certain characteristics that may simply not be present. Not every child with an absent father struggles with that emotionally, for example. And hopefully

I agree with your general sentiment, although I don’t think it’s fair to describe a single parent household as “broken” by default. Would really like to see us as a society and a community move away from that assumption - and I say this as  a child of a single parent household.

I’m generally a mind-your-own-business-if-it’s-not-hurting-anybody kinda gal, but I really really fucking hate any PDA that’s above the level of like, holding hands or closed mouth kissing. It feels super disrespectful to people around you, like you either don’t give a shit about their comfort or you’re showing off to

Let me guess, . . . Holly and Michael?

Nick Cannon is a jackass and everyone except The Root is well aware of it.


However, sex with a near-stranger is a delicious treat, like a Fudgsicle straight out of the fridge on a nasty summer’s day, and everyone deserves to do it.

‘Look I’m no biologist I just like to fuck!’


Cosign. Now he’s welcome to prove us wrong and actually be involved in the upbringing of all seven, by which I mean BEYOND financing the nannies.

I’m also one of 2, and my wife is due in October with our second. And we’re dooooone. Two is perfect. I said fuck a vasectomy, I’ll chop the whole thing off and sand it smooth like a Ken doll if that’s what it took to avoid No. 3.

It’s entirely possible, you can never know how a couple and their money really function.

Yeah especially with the 3 women he got pregnant within the span of a year. What are the chances he actually has time to take care of them when they’re pregnant or to change diapers or to be there enough for all kids to recognize him more than a distant uncle? Throwing money at the problem doesn’t solve the question

Exaaaaactly. Does he have any concept of what being a real father is? Taking care of a baby (or occasionally visiting them) is very, very different than raising children to adulthood.

“The ones that got pregnant are the ones that were supposed to get pregnant” feels kind of gross.

Reminds me of a L&O SVU with a guy who got off on getting women pregnant - lie about being sterile or damage condoms or switch out birth control pills. All about ego (look at MY SEED, see how well my dick works, coo over attributes from my genetic contribution), and control (You need me now more than ever while your

We need more black families, not baby daddy’s/baby mommas and this fool who claims to love the black community and want to lift us up, keeps getting randos knocked up and not marrying none of them, and this is a role model? Get theeeee fuck outttaaa here. 

All my grandparents came from families of at least 6 kids. None of them continued that tradition. I have a professional acquaintance who is one of 5 (he’s an old Gen X’er, missed the boomer cutoff by a few years) and has 4 himself and that feels like a lot to me. Anything more than 3 kids feels like a lot to me (I’m

Hey, if you like it—we love it, Nick!

Pookie and Ray-ray Voltron Nick Cannon is out here shooting up the club with four different IG models. Four different single mothers running four different broken single parent households with a single stretched thin part time father.