Ceiling Cat

This married man Olivia has been infatuated over might not end up being the same man as she imagined him, he is just out of a rehab, separated from a long term relationship, I used to have a crush on a married friend like that, never acted on it, but came to reflect later on that he wouldn’t be the same person if all

There’s simply no appropriate way for your married billionaire boss to ask you out. There just isn’t. 

I think the recent yacht-buyer was fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos, who divorced his age-appropriate-mother-of-children earlier. If you’re keeping tabs, Elon Musk is the one who disrupted all of them by divorcing his age-appropriate first wife after she gave birth to 5 of his kids many years ago. As far as billionaire

Gates seems to think because he presents as being an unassuming nerd who’s image is being a benign philanthropist, he should be able to proposition women at work as long as he presents it as their choice. It’s peak willfully obtuse Nice Guy TM behavior. He knows damn well that he is their boss, old enough to be their

I swear I’m a Sparkly Unicorn too!

Knowing and acknowledging that he doesn’t know much about the First Amendment puts him ahead of about 80% of Americans, and 99.9% of right-wing Americans.

I’m actually surprised it took this long for people to remember her nasty tweets to Stodden. Teigen has always been a thirsty attention whore and a hack and I have never understood her appeal, but she’s always been good at social media and that includes some years back when everyone was being mean to tabloid fixtures

I believe in a free and healthy press, particularly when it comes to bringing truth to power. But my feelings on the First Amendment would certainly be affected if I had 30+ members of the press scrounging through my garbage, hiring drones and helicopters to monitor me at all times, constantly reaching out to all

Any over-unders on how long JLo can go without a man in her life?

I’m of the the opinion that no show should last more than 10 years. Culture changes too quickly and as we saw with Ellen, you retire a legend or stay on the air long enough for your skeletons to be exposed. (That’s how the saying goes right?)  

Maybe there should be a syndicated daytime talk show that doesn’t plan on a multi-decade run built around one woman.

Man, for real. In my 20s, I used to come here and really LEARN things. It wasn’t perfect, but there was tangible skill and knowledge amongst the staff, guest writers, and commenters (albeit through the Jez lens). They used to have deep dive, long form pieces about real feminist issues all over the world, in all facets

Sometimes I fear that Jez is gone.

I love Jezebel from a few years ago. Now I mostly skim things to just get to the commenters. This is the best site for reading opinions and thoughts from great people around the world. I’m going to be really sad when it goes away (I assume it will based on the other sister sites). I just wish the old writers were back.

Gawker  media is apple lovers here. He is rich white man, so they automatically hate him and rest doesn’t matter.

Yes. Computers in libraries for public use was big in the 90's. Thanks to the Gates fund.

So far, he’s given 53.8 billion dollars to charity. I don’t get the need of people to jump on him, either.

He’s not “hoarding” wealth. He created it. He founded what under his leadership became one of the largest software empires in history and a little thing called Windows which runs the vast majority of desktop computers. (Among other things.)

And unlike a lot of very rich people, he created a huge non-profit foundation

Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?