Spouse who was in the process of divorcing her and left her nothing, even though she was his caretaker. I saw a heartbreaking interview with her a few years ago. I hope she finds happiness.
Spouse who was in the process of divorcing her and left her nothing, even though she was his caretaker. I saw a heartbreaking interview with her a few years ago. I hope she finds happiness.
“Mr. The Newsroom and Ms. “I Used to Be a Supermodel and Married to Ric Ocasek”
They did, actually, but there are two ads between the photos and the descriptions. I’ve found that to be the case with many of the sections here, and it’s annoying and distracting. It can’t be that difficult to arrange the placement of ads so they don’t break up the content in this way.
That is great! But the gowns and the names of the people wearing them happen at the same time.
Fair enough, though most of them are! But I always do red carpet posts in real-time so readers can get up-to-the minute looks at THE GOWNS, THE GOWNS.
At this point I think Jezebel just likes to be mildly irritating to drive up the comment count.
FFS, have you not learned that you need to do your captions in order so we know who these people are? Left to Right people, left to right.
Came for the gowns. Was not disappointed.
Am I really dumb for being surprised that it’s illegal for a rehab to give a finder’s fee for referrals? Not that it was something I ever considered doing, it’s just so common in so many industries. It never occured to me it’s illegal in some fields.
Lindsay Lohan never had a chance with those parents.
It’s a Gap brand. All you have to do is search for coupon codes online, get a couple of reward points from a sister company, and suddenly you have one of their $130 dresses for $26. Literally nothing from the group of Gap, Banana, Athleta, or Old Navy should ever be purchased for more than 40% of the normal price.
Sure, but how likely is that to work for her? Trump already had a national platform and a fan base of rubes. Jenner is running for state office in California, where the Republican party is not only tiny but is hard-core right-wing in leadership (yes, these two things are related).
“Seriously, how deluded must she be to think this will go anywhere?” This is the Age of Social Media. Did trump think he was going to win? Did he want to? No way. He ran to raise the profile of his “brand.” That’s all that matters. Get attention by any means possible and then pounce on opportunity when it arises. If…
And also apparently you can purchase followers - so that on a documentary a few weeks ago
This woman is grossly overestimating her popularity. It appears she has 11m followers on IG but someone should explain to her what a hate-follow is...
Never forget:
Thank gods that nobody will vote for her.
You’re right, it’s awful to support Amazon, BUT it’s frightening to support those knock off brands made in sketchy factories in Asia that have no audits. Plus active leggings are synthetic, made from crude oil so if it’s not from a good mill the environmental hazards to the earth and to the workers are insane. Plus,…
I realize it’s a biased source, but the manager at Old Navy told me their leggings are made from the same material as Athleta’s. *shrugs* I know it’s awful to support Amazon, but I just bought four pairs of knockoff Lululemon leggings with the phone pocket on the side for less than the price of one pair of Lululemon…