Ceiling Cat

I think most of the time it is basically “we’re going to leak this either way but if you sign here you can at least earn some money from it” type of situation.

I don’t know what you mean! When I am unhappy with labeling I make it a practice to shriek at some beleaguered cashier with no power over policy to change everything to my satisfaction right then and there---doesn’t everybody do it that way?

What’s wrong with her? She’s a thirsty asshole and always has been. I have sympathy for anyone with addiction and eating issues but that doesn’t mean she’s a nice person. She’s a dick.

If this is a cause (the whole diet\faux healthy eating business) she feels passionate about, she can use her celebrity to talk about. To use whatever clout she’s got to come done on this one company the way she did seems very misdirected. It would be different if she discovered their yogurt was made with rancid raccoon

Everything I have every heard or read about Demi Lovato just makes her sound like an exhausting person to be around. And not in a fun way. 

Demi Lovato is exhausting. One would think making decent music should be enough to keep her name circulating in the media, but nah. Destroying businesses for performative “body positivity” wokeness is a way, I guess. 

I hate the fact that her being an unlikable person somehow made it ok to treat her pain like a joke. No one deserved that treatment. No one should have to be the ‘perfect victim’ for people to feel bad about her privacy being horrifically violated and to respect her pain

WTF is wrong with Demi??? Also, the texts she shared just makes her sound more like an asshole. Doesn’t help her “cause” at all. They also got great reviews on Google maps and Yelp so the claim of rude service just seems unlikely. All this just screams “performative” to me.

Man, I been doing it wrong my whole life. If I don’t like some food joint’s menu, I just don’t go back. I’m such a fool.

In an interview at some point I remember her saying “I’m sexy, but I’m not sexual” and I thought that was just really sad. It was an identity that was assigned to her, rather than one she assumed on her own, and she was absolutely trashed for it.

Serious issues aside for a minute...

The slutshaming that followed that illegal revenge porn release was something i’ll never forget as a young woman. Paris is problematic, but on this one...as others have said, 100% on her side.


I can’t even remember if she consented to the tape being made, let alone released! The latter is bad and illegal enough, but the former? The levels of betrayal and fucked-upedness can’t even be measured.

Ditto. I remember the narrative around her at the time - all the talk was about her and what a “slut” she was and I remember hearing nothing about Solomon at the time (um, it takes two to tango?). The tape he chose to release was 100% her responsibility, somehow.

One of the few things I will ever agree with Paris Hilton on, is that the tape should never have been released and it never should have been treated the way it was by the media. 

Yep. 100% on her side here. 

why the hell are we sharing our personal medical confidentiality for display?”

Think of it this way: getting the vaccine (even if you’re a despicable human being) ultimately benefits all of us. So get those trumpers in line for a jab for no other reason than it’s one less virus-carrier who might kill grandma.

I’m conflicted again! :D