Ceiling Cat

Yeah, that was one weak-ass response, trying to downplay physical abuse by emphasizing verbal abuse and defining self abuse as its equivalent. The Nick Bromfield doc featured cringe after cringe, showing how ill equipped this family was. I empathize with his pain but I don’t think he has the tools to cope or have

They gave him the opportunity to acknowledge the domestic abuse he is responsible for. He could have admitted it and apologized for it, at the least. He’s had a tough life. So have a lot of people, and they didn’t all become abusers.

You and I have the same problem - 2020 was actually pretty good to me. A new job with a nice raise, we made significant progress on paying off our house, I lost a ton of weight, took up new hobbies, no one I know died of Covid, I didn’t miss anything other than a trip to Hawaii for our 10th anniversary.

Part of my family lost HUGE sums to him. I don’t much care for any of them (they split off some thirty years ago), but I am still mad at Bernie, and will be for a very very long time.

I am pretty sure this is going to get me banished into the greys, but does anyone have a better source than Jezebel for news with a feminist focus? I like the format of Jezebel in the sense that it has a good balance between politics and pop culture, but I am disappointed on the regular with how the writers clearly

Will never understand why anyone from wealth can’t just do this.

I like to think of Tom as a really good guy who is profoundly, heartbrokenly disappointed in his offspring, though I have no factual basis for that notion.

I’m gonna guess his mind already wasn’t right before he was cast, and the show just amplified his problems and made them public. Reality TV isn’t exactly known for its rigorous psych screening.

As I’ve said to my husband repeatedly in the past 12 months: a WHOLE bunch of people have shown their arses in the worst way possible this year, and I will NOT forget how little they cared about other people’s lives, nor how poorly they behaved during such a time of crisis and trauma

As mentioned, there can be lots of reasons to be a virgin (a social construct with no biological basis!) and maybe not knowing where you stand sexually can definitely be one of them.

THANK YOU. You can blame Colton for being an abusive stalker (and I certainly do) but also acknowledge that growing up in a culture where compulsive heterosexuality is normalized and “manhood” is defined by aggressive sexual prowess with women probably helped to make him that way.

How about you lay off the "adult virgin is secretly gay" jokes.

“Oh we knew hihihi.” Thank you for being condescending & snarky to people still in the closet and scared to come out.

I shouldn’t have to point it out but : being a virgin does not inherently indicate you have problems with your sexuality.

I don’t recall if he was ever remorseful or not. I remember seeing a supposed quote from him going around along the lines of “Fuck my victims. I carried them for twenty years, and now I’m carrying them for twenty more”. In any case, good riddance.

It’s about controlling her opinion of him and making sure she knows he’s a sex stud or whatever instead of reality.

This has been my first thought anywhere. It’s ridiculous.

At one point I tried to start writing some things down, figuring I would leave it for my grandkids, if I ever have any. But it just kind of petered out, and I haven’t written anything for months. It got to be too much. How many times can I write, “I just can’t f*ing believe this”?

I see couple of things happening with this Colton discourse.

There’s no life hack that gets around the knowledge your government was happy to let a vast swath of its population die, no radical acceptance of such a monumental chain of loss.”