
I get super bad motion sickness for any first person games, and even some third person games with tight over-the-shoulder angles (looking at you, Arkham games). I eat Ginger candies to take away the nausea once I get it, but it hasn’t helped me much preventing it.

The year I came out, my mom got me a book along the lines of “Jesus Can Give Anyone A New Beginning!” and a stress ball.

He said he was concerned his passport would get stolen, which still makes no sense.

This gift wasn’t given to me personally but it was still pretty awful from my perspective:

My Grandfather’s second wife didn’t approve of my brother’s decision not to attend college. She gifted him a framed embroidered version of “If you’re not the lead dog, the view never changes,” complete with an image of a dog’s ass centered over the text.

This is honestly the job I am most qualified for, of all jobs in the world. 

My husband works for a company that’s incredibly conservative. I generally hate his holiday party because I feel like it’s impossible to have fun, I always have to monitor what I say so I don’t let my evil atheist liberal views slip. ANYWAYS, about 15 years ago when the company was still relatively small, they invited

I am not sure how much you know about game dev, but a team is much more than their leads. And every lead member isnt gone. Mark Darrah who is quoted here have been involved in the series since the start. And the current lead writer was the lead for the bloody terrific Trespasser DLC, and was wrote for characters like

I agree with Natalie’s original statement. I think what rubs me the wrong way about Jessica touting her virginity while wearing a bikini is the implication that a woman’s sexuality exists to be enjoyed by everyone but her.

KFC and cologne : (

The tooth brushing is also my pet peeve, but it’s kind of irrational, I’m really concerned for their sake! Using a brush on your teeth with all that farting and projectile pooping going down, feels very unsterile to me

And it’s not always enough to lean in, because that shit doesn’t work all the time.

That little dopamine rush...”

Marilyn did a terrific job of spinning it to her favor. When asked of she’d in fact had anything on for that photo shoot, she confidently said, “the radio.” Arguably the best fuck you answer ever.


Clio, you are on the wrong side of history here.

I don’t care what trash it makes me, my 30 year old ass is going to be in the theater for a midnight showing because this isn’t the movie humanity needs, but it IS the movie humanity deserves.

I guess i must just be officially the worst because I am actually ridiculously excited about this. the idea put me off til i saw the trailer. it looks totally cute! dumb, sure. but cute! and fun! :)

I refuse. I can’t say it’s a guaranteed hit (I can never say that about any movie these days), but it looks like it has potential and I’m interested in seeing where it goes-let’s just hope that this ends up not being another Green Lantern or *shudder* RIPD.