My Naked Right Titty is the name of my feminist ska band.
My Naked Right Titty is the name of my feminist ska band.
The moment I read WWASP red flags shot up. WWASP is a form of abuse at its core. It is one of the organizations associated with kidnapping troubled children from their homes in the middle of the night. They are cultish, and they are abusive. Fuck any parent willing to sacrifice their children to them.
I am a female lawyer in my early 30s and I regularly get mistaken for an assistant or paralegal. It adds extra difficulty to my job since I need to establish credibility before I can even engage with clients.
But what does your comment have to do with whether a porn actress (and sex worker, which is an important qualifier in this scenario) should come to a college campus and discuss consent and the negative effects of believing porn sex is real sex?
23 hours, catching 69 Pokémon, besting eight Gym Leaders, and beating the Elite Four
If my child stopped playing video games and started going to church, I would be very concerned.
HBO response is a freaking best
Someone should try joyless blogger next.
It’s not that the idea is so original, but that the execution is flawless. The Ugg boots are a nice touch. Crocks would have been better.
Hail Mary and a hope that the judge doesn’t much like Muslims either.
I have a friend who breastfed her son until at least 4 years old. To each her own and all, but I really didn’t appreciate her son constantly trying to put his mouth on my breast if I sat next to him or something. Creepy as fuck. I don’t hang out with her anymore in part because of the way she just does not properly…
In a nutshell this is Trumps whole political strategy.
Throw blood on it, make two statements at once!
“Unfortunately, we don’t comment on rumors or speculation other than to say that the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac still holds up,” said an Obsidian spokesperson.
“The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers”
It wasn’t for nothing to me. It was inspiring. I hate that she felt like she had to do this, and I hate that she received so much shit for it, and I hate that her life has been upended. But it wasn’t for nothing to me, and to my fellow assault survivors.
Stephen King has already vowed his full support, both monetary and campaigning, to any candidate that runs against her if she votes to confirm Kavenaugh. He’s got a buck or two to spend and is enormously popular in Maine.
I’m assuming they heard the words ‘high risk pregnancy’ and ‘bed rest’ and thought she might just not be able to work at all even after the one week she was asking for.