
I was rather hoping Tammy Duckworth would be on that list. I adore her.

Ah yes, the good-natured spirit always involved with a raucous mob burning something in effigy.

Chaotic neutral with low charisma is not a spec to bring to a reddit mod campaign. 

Lime is a soil additive to raise pH. 

Katie, thank you for reaching out to Safe Horizon and for highlighting the public charge rule. This fight is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. But also, Safe Horizon is a fantastic org and I encourage people looking for an org to donate to to consider them; they provide help for vulnerable victims of domestic

It’s Arizona. The heat makes people go insane.

To be fair, that’s not what he said. He said that’s how he felt about it while writing them because he had no other way to conceptualize their relationship. He’s going to have to put his spin on them- it’s his job, he’s writing for these characters. How he conceptualizes them in his head is not the same as applying

I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic’s.

Repetition of her story to a therapist is not corroboration. Nor is telling it to her husband. Their testimony in the form of the session notes and his witnessing her telling the story in therapy would be considered hearsay, especially as the revelation to her therapist and her husband happened so long after the fact.


The controls (SCADA) are networked, not likely on the internet, but sure, it’s totally possible that a SCADA network could be hacked/compromised. My company fends off literally thousands of attempts to hack into our systems daily. This is all considered critical infrastructure, so the Department of Homeland Security

Columbia Gas was depressurizing their lines, according to CNN. Some neighborhoods where the smell of gas was present were being evacuated.

Ground-type Eevee, plz. Preferably something like this awesome fanmade concept.

I’ve been in a similar situation to your brother, and uh, that “the courts were biased to mothers, I really tried” line is usually bullshit.

Uh, no. Not the same situation. Daddy and half-sister are capital-N Narcissists. They’re toxic (OBVIOUSLY) and Meghan is wisely keeping her distance.

The Beyhive is going to do what the Justice system wouldn’t.

“So you park on a driveway ... but drive on a parkway?”

Wait, you mean having pineapple on pizza, or the debate about it?