
I understand a lot of the work is done digitally.

I think Ben’s tattoo is a phoenix rather than a dragon. (Although I have very strong feelings that dragons SHOULD have feathers they usually don’t and this does.) But does that make Jennifer Garner the flames or the ashes?

Yeah, I mean, they could have implemented AI crew members that you would, say, give orders to using a popup menu or hotkeys.

The top picture was more a more succinct summation of his dickishness than the tweets.

There are a lot of parents of dead children(and some dead parents) who would have said “My kids would never touch a gun just laying out.” Kids do things they were taught not to do all the time. Even good kids with good parents. Usually the worst result is a pregnancy or an appearance in Juvenile court. That’s the

I like Moxie. Time to move back to Maine!

You say an unspecified controller, but use a picture of the DS4? A bit of a douche thing to do.

My grandfather drank Moxie. he did this not because he liked the taste but it was the one thing his kids and grandkids wouldn’t drink it cause it was disgusting.

I used to tie a Tamagotchi to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to buy a Tamagotchi cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Bill Clinton on ‘em. “Gimme five Slick Willie’s for a quarter”, you’d say.

Oglaf has some funny ones too.

“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion” This is how the Geth heretics were formed 

I before E, except after C, or when pulling a feisty heist on your weird beige foreign neighbor.

I’m trying to think of one thing that I’ve heard about that would have had a different reaction in the US. I’m pretty sure if you plunked down a camera in the middle of a salad bar the management wouldn’t be super thrilled.

I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future lawyers learn about in class. There’s going to be a lot of fingerpointing between the engineers and the various contractors involved.

I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future engineers learn about in class.

Okay, but what are your thoughts on crystal tits?

His other comments in the Gizmodo article make him sound like an oddball, not his martial arts training.

There’s actually fencing on the other sides of the thick black gate. It’s grey fencing with barbed wire at the top.

Professor of Rhet/Comp and Literature.

...but I kinda wish I was on the eighteen year plan. Fewer financial obligations on that route.

That’s an icy hot take.