
2.7 million is probably well within their ability to pay by a suitable margin, but utilities don’t make as much profit as you might suppose. The amount of money they charge their customers is normally pretty heavily regulated because they are a legal monopoly and they have to ask a state board permission to raise

People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...

I’ll tolerate a lot of things, but you do not disparage President Bill Pullman. We’d all be ailen ashes if not for his heroic actions on Independence Day. Especially so soon after losing his wife.

That’s what you took from this? Okay...

If you save a chipmunk from drowning, no one will care.

We also need to change the way the media covers mass shootings.

Here’s a lesson to be learned.

I love In Her Shoes. I’m the Collette, definitely not the Diaz. After the movie I entertained the thought of ditching being a lawyer and walking dogs. Turns out you have to walk a lot of dogs to make up a lawyer’s salary, but a girl can dream.

I’ve never seen a settlement agreement written like this. The sgnature blocks imply a 3 party agreement but the Paties are defined as EC and/or DD on the one part and PP on the other. The and/or is weird. If EC has the ability to act on behalf of DD then the EC signature would suffice? EC is providing the

I giss he got gud

Aaaaahahahaha what the actual fuck.

Kirby wants to say its opinion to trump:

Yeah, the alt-right taking over Pepe was the ultimate feels bad man moment.

They’ll be living on a six chewable-figure income. Pills pills pills!

I am undergoing periodic panic attacks since my wife abandoned my daughter and I last year. I haven’t really talked about it much, except with my boss who has been very supportive of all my time off as I get my meds stabilized and have to make divorce court appearances.

Please win so our future generations will be hella confused.

She has little in the way of a defense. She did it, no question. And killing children simply isn’t an option to argue self-defense, irresistible impulse or anything but insanity. Her lawyers have to offer her the best defense they can given the fact pattern of this awful and tragic case.

That guy’s not real. It’s a piece of Jon Lovitz performance art.