
Friends from college went this route, but they actually merged their two names together into a new name. I thought it was pretty cool. I find the new name solution rather appealing. My only real question would be whether to argue for Solo or Skywalker as the new name.

But that first part isn’t even true! There’s at least one species of frog and I think a salamander or two that can change gender. I mean, has she never even seen Jurassic Park?

I was out at breakfast with some friends from college a couple years ago, and one couple left some of those with their bill instead of an actual tip. I was so mortified I left a 40% tip for my own bill, and I think a few of the others added extra as well.

I’ve been learning Norwegian, and my favorite early conversation comes from these language by mp3 things where it became increasingly apparent the practice convo was an exchange between some dude trying to pick up a woman. After about 5 minutes I said “Dude she’s just not that into you!” The narration came up and said

As in house counsel for a company, if I found out HR had blown off an incident like that, I’d go nuclear. Not even just for the lawsuit risk but because it’s a completely inhuman and irrational response.

There’s also been some stories about small children that saved a family member’s life by calling 911 in a medical emergency, so I’d guess it’s part of that, too. I have to admit it would be handy if you were alone with your 2 year old and they could call 911 if you fall down the stairs and lose consciousness!

Well I’m planning to shop for new work pants this weekend, and Lands End is officially off the search list. Eat it, Corporation!

My mother’s strategy was to ask “Well, did you learn anything?” Usually, I had. But she didn’t scold me for being an idiot or tell me to be careful, and I appreciate that looking back.

Ignoring the rude last paragraph, do you actually have some info on that case? It hasn’t made the rounds on my case aggregator, and I’d be interested in reading it. Was that a preliminary injunction or was it an actual judgement in the case? I want Kesha to win this thing and goodness knows I want to see the record

When you enter into a contract, sure everything is usual sunshine and roses and you think everything will work out fine, or else as you say, why would you even enter into it? We draft contracts at all because after the deal is made shit happens, and often that shit results in everyone no longer trusting each other.

Actually, some of us are in the unusual position of being lawyers embedded within a business itself and experience both sidea. While “apocalypse” is a bit dramatic, it certainly would have some very interesting unintended consequences if judge could just enjoin a contract pending outcome of a case, or as you seem to

Right,but loss of trust is why we draft contracts at all. The goal, in a well drafted contract anyway, is to set out everyone’s rights and obligations and then mechanisms to deal with violations of those rights or obligations—or in other words to deal with a contractual relationship in shambles. Generally, the best

You know, I ordinarily couldn’t give less of a shit about Taylor Swift, but I’m definitely frowning over here about how much everyone is piling on about her not being a perfect feminist. All I can think is I’m glad I wasn’t famous as I took my journey in my 20s to who I am now—I sure as hell wasn’t a perfect feminist,

Back in the days of AOL chatrooms and a/s/l, people would ask me about being Canadian when I would reveal “Maine” as my general location. We’ve got some people just a little confused on what areas the USA manages.

The Shiner White Wing has been my beer of choice for about a month now. Quite tasty, particularly with a slice of orange. Chases the winter blues from the soul, that does.

This is excellent perspective. I will keep this point in mind while I work on my rewrite of my NaNoWriMo project! Should help with the motivation.

Yeah, we had school nurses at every public school where I grew up in Maine.

I look at that and think, “You, too, could have that bliss if you just gave up the Internet and moved into the wilderness. Just think about how nice that would be.” But then apparently pollsters could still find me to ask questions so maybe it’s not even worth it.

I would absolutely set something on fire if I had to miss meeting with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Probably the frat bro making me miss it. She makes me hate being a lawyer just a little bit less.

I get that you don’t like feelig as if women are afraid of you—that’s good, even! But with all due respect, I’d have been keeping half an eye on you as well. Yes, living in fear is pointless and bad, etc., but situational awareness is an important key to keeping yourself out of the “abducted, raped, and/or stored in