
I am 30, and in desperate need of new, comfortable underwear. This post and all the subsequent ones endorsing it are pretty much the most helpful thing I’ve seen on the internet in ages. Thanks!

I was working on a remote off-shore island when that book came out—no internet, no tv, nothing. My mom sent the book out to me and I got it about 3 days after release. You’d think on a remote island with no population beyond the researchers I’d have been safe from spoilers, but my research advisor arrived with the

You actually don’t have to register works to get copyright protection (you just get more from registering), and copyright protection does not protect people from DMCA takedowns when someone misuses copyright law.

I did that as a kid. When I was 13 I told my dad I was done with him, he convinced my mom to make me do a counseling session with him. I said if I was made to go I would stay quiet the whole time, and that’s just what I did. Haven’t spoken to him outside of polite conversation at family funerals since.

What does the length of her hair have to do with getting high? Leaving the issue of whether it’s abuse for the time being, the punishment is not related to the crime in a logical way.

It’s clear you have much stronger opinions on this subject than I do, which is of course fine. I really don’t care whether you watch Adventure Time or not, but I’ve never found the few romance angles in the show to be forces. It usually has some other learning experience in it or something else entertaining.

You don’t watch anything that ever has romance in it? I don’t know, I don’t think it’s weird for a teenage boy to sometimes deal with relationships and learn from them.

Are you being serious or is that sarcasm? It’s so hard to tell.

At any rate, I’m glad the village didn’t give a rat’s ass when I was a kid and called police on my mom for leaving my brother and I alone in the car while she ran in to the store to grab milk or whatever when I was 9. I’m sure that would have been much

Mine would be terribly disappointed I ended up working for a corporation and wearing professional attire instead of conservation or environmental work, for now anyway. Fifteen year old me didn’t have bills to pay. I think she’d be excited about my cool dog, though.

I'm a book reader that decided to finally start watching the show recently. It's not taken me much time to get all caught up on hbo go.

Decisions get made when they get made. I've had plenty of situations in my life where I probably should have made the decision on something important earlier than I did, but whatever event or moment of clarity that ultimately convinced me came later than that.

Where do you live?! I'm in an area with a pretty low cost of living and 100k gets you jackshit, especially if you want a house that isn't falling apart and some decent land. In southern Cali, I can't imagine 100k is getting you anywhere.

Just today an elderly man almost swerved his car into mine. And my great grandmother once drove the wrong way down the highway. She voluntarily gave up her license after that.

My cat loved being vacuumed with the hose attachment. As soon as I brought the vacuum out to clean the house he'd start following me around meowing until I finally vacuumed his fur. Cats are weird. Still, better than my dog who hides in terror from the dirt-sucking mechanical beast.

You went somewhere, anyway.

Well I would because I don't want to get shot in the face hoping the dude who walked in brandishing a gun is some jackass who thinks he's supporting the second amendment and not a crazy guy who is going to shoot at everyone. However, jackasses with bigass guns have been entering restaurants or gathering outside them

I doubt anyone here wanted you to. Your health decisions should always be made with your doctor's input.