
I asked Project FI, which is essentially GV, if I could port my number back out of Fi and they said no. Once you port, to GV or Fi, the number cannot go back to a regular provider.

it is not tinfoil hat territory. read the emails, this is all confirmed.

donald trump has never been accused of a crime (until now, suspiciously once the emails come out) while we have documented proof that hillary has commited several criminal acts as well as treason considering there is an email that 1) states they knew SA funds isis, 2)outlines how SA donated to clinton foundation.


i don’t think you read the emails...

i wonder why gawker/jez came to the conclusion that ted cruz wore loose fitting clothes on purpose (to appeal to the layman) while donald is just a buffoon who gets dressed with the lights off? doesn’t really seem fair, considering all we are doing is critiquing attire?

wow fuck a gif of Peep Show

wasn’t 1980s Iran pretty cool? or was that 1970s?

what about checks and balances? and the fact you consider trump a fascist when clinton has actually done things that most fascists would blush at...

gawker media recommending other journalists throw away their journalistic integrity? shocking. shocking!!

but... she deserves to be in jail? why does he get flack for saying a fact and she gets off clean for committing what is essentially treason?

yes but from what i can tell, as a decade long gv user, it will be going away or probably never developed again.

it’s not a coincidence that wade leaves and says these same exact things about riley.

However, the tax 1995 records, obtained by the Times, show how Trump’s accountants exploited loopholes in the tax code to allow the real estate developer protect his wealth at a time when casino regulators described the Trump Organization as being in “dire financial straits.”

the weeknd cancels - “FUCK”

veterans are the most god damn uppity, sensitive group of self-proclaimed “hardened men” i have ever seen.

the fact you trust this so-called “majority journalism” is dangerous shit. open your eyes.

are you seriously citing DOCTOR OZ in an attempt to shame trump? what the fuck.

Probably just family or friends that have your email address and have “added” you to their circles, despite you not actually having a google+.

It is pretty sad when I only see this type of rhetoric on... deadspin.com. Sad time for the current state of our mainstream media.