mcgregor might literally die if he fought woodley as he stands now (training, endurance, etc)
mcgregor might literally die if he fought woodley as he stands now (training, endurance, etc)
both you and 52037 are race baiting idiots.
my initial reaction was to freak out that it wasn’t a PI call
maybe because, get this... he is realizing that, officially and without debate, he is the most important person on this earth. and maybe, JUST MAYBE, he wants to take this seriously.
you are insufferable
probably because he has already got his first, real presidential briefing and he is realizing how fucked everything is and that despite he has the MAJORITY M A J O R I T Y of the american people behind him, nothing will change because it all goes so much higher than just taking back washington.
you are all idiots.
why does everyone forget the things hillary did and said in 08? she was a race baiter and used all kinds of below-the-belt tactics regarding obama’s skin color.
2 words. bush doctrine.
>never had a shot
wow, it must be hard to see through all of that fog on a daily basis.....
you guys dont have a single black writer on this site, please spare us the faux-outrage as if everyone back there isn’t white and as if this site doesn’t have glaring conflicts between jezebel (feminism) and the rest of gizmodo (white males who dont really give a fuck about feminism, or rather whatever jez tries to…
i fail to see your point considering: HRC supports war, trump does not.
thank you for the perspective that never gets out of the greys on here. i have been trying to get through to these fucks, because i love deadspin. i might have to leave and never come back if the comment base is this dumb.
also, we are FAR LESS LIKELY to engage in ware under Trump than Clinton.
you are so naive it is depressing. USA was almost never a democracy and has been an oligarchy since the founding fathers, who were considered elite back in their day, had slaves, and mountains of wealth.
so is the majority of the world, and i am excited to hopefully go back to some sort of isolationism trump is preaching.
Can we just, for once on this site, acknowledge that the clinton/podesta/DNC emails outline proof of collusion and rigging against Sanders? We act like Trump is so far off base and that he is akin to Hitler because he called for election monitors, when laid out right before our eyes is DNC rigging elections against…
It’s remarkable that real life is mimicking a television show meant to mock the thirstiness and self-importance of politicians, but what else is new in this hellacious election?