
or just not impressionable...

It is this one:

fear-mongering. check.

there is no doubt that Jay sent a shrewd yet condescending email that made sure to express his disdain for what is essentially a suite of gossip sites

no right? they essentially chose not to take ownership of them and that is different than not having a right to. the interview even says how they discussed it internally (univision, not gawker), had a criteria (which is privileged information in case you didn’t notice the 100 times it was mentioned) in which the

so is not coming off as a pompous dick, evidently.

Are you the same dude who posted on Reddit? and got told to up the acoustics?

When has sexual assault or anything of that nature changed the public opinion of a sports star? Okay. Ray Rice, but if you are honest with yourself he was a scapegoat and it blew up because the NFL lied, not because of what he did.

Which is it?

The fact people think he doesn’t have anything or that they cannot accept the fact it is held in complete secrecy blows my mind.

I love how this isn’t that funny or even witty of a comment, but it gets stars because Deadspinners have a hardon for you.

I literally get bored, even sometimes appalled, when the entrance music is that weak. I am amping up for 2 humans to beat each other to a pulp, not to sit and enjoy some lame music just because the name of the song is relevant.

When you (probably) are an Olympic athlete who has never done anything aside from swim, train, eat, and live with your parents - yes I would say he is probably the exact type of person who would call and tell mommy.

The only response here that knows what it is talking about and no one is even addressing it.

Not to mention how inaccurate Nielsen is when it comes to today’s more tech advanced world where people are streaming, downloading, casting, whatever.

I am kind of surprised you didn’t mention how it was essentially his downfall due to the stress it put on his spine.

The whole system sounds fucked:

This is what happens when children latch onto actual people they can see and interact with as opposed to TV/movie stars that only “exist” on film.

Jesus fucking christ, no one cares this much, not even Bill Belichick.

All their life and careers they are told they are the best, most important, etc..